Join us here as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This little girl had some challenges that she had to get through before she could be adopted. Shortly after she came to us from Hawaii, we noticed her foot was turning sideways because one of the bones in her leg was growing faster than the other. She actually needed two surgeries to get her leg back to normal and the process has taken over 6 months but she finally has been cleared for adoption. I do want to point out that it has truly taken an army … the kennel staff, volunteers, 3 foster homes … to get her through this (not to mention a boat load of meds we tried because nothing seemed to keep her from jumping around on the leg!!) She is about a month away from being able to really run and we can’t wait to see videos. Her most recent foster family knew when they took her home that she was the one for them but they just had to wait until we got clearance from the vet that her leg was healed. Thankfully, we just got that and Chrissy, nka Cannoli, could become an official member of their family!!!

This lady from Canada lost her last Greyhound shortly before COVID and had made a decision to come get another dog the day before the Canadian border closed. So, she has been waiting a very long time to get her new family member. It was definitely worth the wait! She got to meet many of our new arrivals and, while she wavered for a minute, she knew from the minute she met one of the dogs from Australia that he was the one for her. This very striking guy (black with white markings) did a greyt job of showing how calm & affectionate he is — how could she not choose Fox??

When a family meets the right dog for them, it is so obvious, it is almost impossible not to know it. That’s what happened with this family. We brought the dog out and she immediately looked like she fit in with the people and their dog, Lucky (fka Charm). The dogs truly looked like they had been best friends for years! When we got outside, it was even more obvious — the family spent about 5 minutes in the yard and then said she was the one. Shortly thereafter, our gorgeous, black girl from Australia, Mary, was on her way to Oregon.

This couple has amazing willpower!! The man has been doing turnout for 4 years and has been telling his fiancé about the dogs all this time and, yet, they resisted adopting. They wanted to move to a different place and get all settled before they actually got a dog. The right day finally came and they met some cutie pies — anybody would have had a hard time making a decision. It really didn’t take very long for them to make their decision — they chose a beautiful white/brindle girl named Blanche (she just happens to have the softest bunny fur – we thought that might have helped them decide on her)!!