
Whenever we get a new load of dogs, obviously, the first people to get a good look at the dogs are the employees and volunteers and it isn’t terribly unusual for one or more of them to express an interest in one of them. Recently, we got a load of eight darling Whippet mix dogs from Asia and we had many people express an interest in that load, but it was one of our employees that was one of the first to apply for a dog. She had her eye on a couple of the dogs so she relied on her Greyhound, Cinny, to help make the final decision. Cinny did a greyt job and made it clear to her mom that Wilma, nka Rainee, was absolutely the one for them!!

To say that this couple was excited to get their new dog is a real understatement!! They had their home visit this morning then almost immediately jumped into the car for the trip to get their new furry friend and in an amazingly short period of time, they were headed home with their new family member. They have had Whippets before so they knew they were interested in our Whippet mixes from Asia and I have to say our little girls really did a greyt job of showcasing themselves and making it very hard for these folks to make a decision. But, in the end, they knew that the little girl for them was Miss Amity!