Join us here as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This couple has already had quite a few of our purebred hounds and they have also grown fond of the Greyhounds we have been getting from South Korea. Currently, they have 12 year old Lucy (fka Dilly — an NGA Greyhound) and 5 year old Ethel (fka Wynter — from South Korea) and they realized that Ethel really needs someone who will play with her. They saw a boy on the Team Inch postings that immediately won their hearts and I’m sure it seems like they have been waiting an eternity for him to get to the U.S. so that they could introduce him to their girls and find out if they would all get along. The day finally came and, truthfully, the first introduction was a little dicey, but once all the dogs simmered down and got comfortable, they had a wonderful time playing together!! So the couple got the Christmas present they had been wanting —- Sheldon!!! (For those of you that don’t know, Team Inch is an organization in South Korea that has worked with GPI to get Greyhound mixes out of their country and into the U.S.)

This adoption was to a couple who had their heart set on one dog when they called me yesterday. Unfortunately, I had to tell them that he was spoken for and they were so disappointed. They did look through the website and picked a few other dogs they wanted to see, but they never got to see them. This morning I got a call that the other people had changed their mind so the dog they wanted was available. When I told them, I swear they both lit up like Christmas trees and they hadn’t even met him yet. When we brought him out, I think he knew they were the ones for him! He’s pretty shy and yet he went up to them and wanted to be patted, and had his tail in a normal position — what a difference from the couple of times when we showed him before and he was hesitant to come up to anyone and very subdued. By the time he went home, there was a noticeable difference in his confidence and comfort level with the things that were going on around him. This guy came all the way from Hawaii to find his new home and I think Crandall knows he will be safe and loved!!! (P.S. I think so too!!!!)
Little Big

This adopter came with her two human roommates and two Greyhounds (ages 12 & 2) so we obviously had a lot of people/dogs to please. Our sweet puppies all did so well and their reactions were hilarious, cute and just plain sweet as they met this cast of characters. The dog that went home with them was pretty incredible. He walked into the adoption center and immediately went to the lady who would be doing the adopting. He put his paw in her lap, then his arms around her neck to give her a hug and then gave her kisses!! It was pretty obvious he had made up his mind she was his and she totally agreed that our sweet guy from Mexico, Little Big, was hers!

Sometimes it takes a dog to find the right home through no fault of the dog’s. That is what happened to this guy … in his first home, the man was so allergic to him that he couldn’t breathe. So,the only choice was for the man to bring him back! Then he was in a foster home while he recovered from a surgery, but he was having trouble adapting to all the “goings on” around him. So he needed to find a calmer, less chaotic area to live in. We found it and he now has a whole family to dote on just him! As Tuck (who came to us from the American Lurcher Project) walked out the door of the kennel with his new parents, he had a little spring in his step and he kind of acted like he was showing off his family!!

This couple came to the kennel a couple of weeks ago to find a buddy for their Italian Greyhound, Corvo. Our introductions were almost something like the “three bears” story. The first one we introduced to Corvo was way too active and the second was way too shy. When neither of those worked, we told the people about a couple of dogs that had just arrived and wouldn’t be available for a couple of weeks. They decided to wait and meet the girls and, guess what, one of them turned out to be “just right”!!! So, Corvo has a new sister named Mable and from the looks of things, they are going to have a greyt time together!!!

I think we forget what hard work it is for our sweet dogs to find their new families. They have to make a greyt impression pretty much the second that they walk in to the adoption center, then pay the appropriate amount of attention to all the people, go outside with them and really show their fun side & then hope they are the one that gets picked. This guy is pretty good at the whole process so he has had some success and also come in second some times. But this time he got what he wanted — his new mom!! Way to go Ark!!

One of the reasons that this dog has been here for a while is that he loves toys/balls, people and other dogs in that order! This particular couple was absolutely fine with being second banana to the toys/balls and they were equally as happy that he really had very little interest in their other Greyhound. So, they decided to take their dog and their future dog on the Brightwater walk yesterday and since everybody got along, they decided that Jade was the one for them!!