Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

These people have been waiting a while to get their next greyhound and they were so excited to meet the new dogs, they came from the Peninsula two days in a row to help with the bathing so that they could get a look at all of them. While they were doing the bathing, they fell in love with two beautiful girls and they were having a hard time deciding which one would be the best fit for them. Their “Greyhound Sitter” is a longtime GPI volunteer who happens to have a small dog so it was imperative that their new dog get along with a cute little Cairn Terrier named Snicklefritz. It turned out that they didn’t need to make the decision at all — only one of the dogs got along with Snicklefritz — Raven!!!

There is something really special about the dogs from Australia and that is evidenced by the fact that 5 of them came to us about a month ago and the last one left the building today!! This particular dog also ended up in a “Prime” situation since he will be walking his new dad to and from work and supervising him while he works at Amazon. I don’t have any doubt that Frankie is up to the task!!!

First, a couple lost their non-greyhound recently and decided the two Greyhounds they have just had to have a new addition. This appointment truly took just a few minutes before the decision was made. The lady came in sure that she was going to go home with one dog and, instead, decided she was in love with another one very shortly after meeting him. If you haven’t met this dog, you missed one special boy who has a lot of charisma. If you have met Charm, you completely understand why he was the one they had to have! –

A lot of people struggle with the question about whether or not their dog is happy as an only dog or whether they need another dog. This lady faced this dilemma and she has had a tough time deciding what the “right” answer was going to be. Luckily, she had friends and her current dog to offer guidance and she came to the conclusion that Esprit, one of our Dubai dogs fka Sally, definitely needed a sister and she chose Kristin who is from the Ohio Lurcher Project and is now known as Kedi!

This next family has had one of our greys, Cy, for a few years and they have been watching for a dog that would be a good fit for their family. While they were bathing the dogs from the huge Florida load we got a few weeks ago, they found what they thought would be a good match. Unfortunately, this particular dog is terrified of slick floors and, since their house is full of slick floors, we all decided that he would be better off in a home with lots of carpet. Luckily, it just so happened that his brother had no problem with floors like that and he got along greyt with all the family members, including Cy, so Ryan (nka Rye) is off to his new home!! –

This lady just had her home visit this morning and she went home with her new Greyhound this afternoon. She sent me a note saying that she needed a cat trainable dog and she was going to need to wait until mid-December to make her addition. I explained to her that we have a very small number of dogs that fit her situation (3 to be exact) and if she waited too long there would not be any. She reevaluated her situation and decided she needed to get moving!! She met all three possibilities and it was interesting that the dog that started out the most reserved was the one that made it very obvious she had chosen this lady as hers. We think that Kitty chose wisely!!