Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.
Quite a few people wanted to start their new year with their new Greyhound so we were busy.

When you have no idea what to get your wife for Christmas, how about getting her a Greyhound. That is what this husband did and I’m sure he made a lot of brownie points for that idea. His wife has been doing turnout for the last month or so in hopes of meeting her new dog by getting to know as many of the dogs as possible. So, naturally, she had lots of dogs she wanted to introduce to her husband and two children (ages 8 & 5) and amazingly all the dogs did very well with the kids. That meant that the family not only had to narrow the list down themselves, but they also had to find one dog they all agreed on. I was thinking that might take a little time, but the little girl they picked did such an outstanding job of showing herself off, the other dogs never really had a chance. The whole family agreed that Vegas, nka Rey, was absolutely the girl for them!!

First up was a man who lost his Grey to cancer a few months ago and he was ready to get his new friend. However, there was one small thing he had to take into consideration and that was the small dog (named Lo) that belongs to his girlfriend. He met dogs a few days ago and narrowed the list down to three he was very interested in. Then he brought in Lo for a meet and greet and that list pretty much went right out the window since two out of the three dogs were clearly way too interested in Lo. Luckily, his favorite got along just fine with Lo and he was excited to take home his new furry friend — Elise who is now known as Tilda.

This couple was obviously ready to get their new dog — they had their home visit at 9:30 and the minute the visit was over and they were approved, the woman called me to come meet dogs as soon as possible. They had been through the website and came in with their list which they quickly narrowed down to two dogs. Of those two remaining dogs, they were already leaning toward one, but when they found out he was born on their anniversary, they decided that Kevin, nka Seymour, absolutely had to be their new addition.

The next couple fostered dogs for us a few years ago and they did what so many foster families do — they failed!!! Unfortunately, they lost their failed foster recently and they were ready to fill that hole he left. They recently did turnout so they had a list of dogs they were wanting to see and they selected a few that they wanted to spend more time with. There was one final test that the Greyhound was going to have to pass and that was it needed to get along with their friends’ Husky/Bassett hound mix named Millie. The two males flunked that test as soon as they walked in the room, but the two girls did just fine. I’m not sure, but I think that Flicka, nka Piper, had the edge over the other Grey because she was born on the same day as the woman’s father! 😉

Finally, the parents of two extremely handsome black boys had recently lost their small dog and they decided they needed to fill their pack out again. They were thinking that another boy would be the best option, but then they met a beautiful little fawn girl who stole their hearts. So, they decided that Nina would fit into their family beautifully!