Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Sometimes it takes a while to figure out just exactly what a dog needs to be happy in a home. I know many people who have to return a dog think that they have failed and that really is not true. With each home, we learn more about the dog and it helps us find a home that fits him or her better. Sadly, it sometimes takes multiple homes to figure all this out, but each home helps us fill in more pieces of the puzzle. The dog who was just adopted has had a lot of ups and downs in his life and he deserves to find his forever place and we think he has found it with a couple who have been involved with GPI for many years. He has a fur brother, grandkids and two parents to spoil him rotten and Bitzer is just in “hog heaven”!!!

This couple lost one of their Greyhounds last Saturday and they knew they needed to get a pal for their remaining Grey, Flo, as soon as they could. They wanted a female and, while they only had a small number of girls to choose from, the possibilities were really sweet dogs. They seemed to relate well to both girls, but, one of them seemed to need them and their dog more and that made it easier for them to decide on our precious fawn girl Charm!!

This first couple has already had 2 Greyhounds so they were well acquainted with the breed and they had a pretty good idea of what characteristics they were looking for. Since they recently lost their last one they were excited and a little sad at the same time while they were looking at the dogs. They definitely saw some different personalities and activity levels and they ended up going home with a dog that was such a sweetheart and definitely more “middle of the road” activity level. They picked Twix and vice versa and they have decided to name him Rex Stout, Stout for short. According to the new mother, they got the name from “noir/detective fiction author or a dark beer, take your pick.”

Next a man came who has also had 2 Greyhounds and recently lost his dog. He was looking for a dog that wanted to be with him all the time and he had a good list of dogs that he wanted to see. The dog that he thought would be the best fit didn’t seem to feel the same way (believe me they make their feelings very clear!) so we moved on to some others. When this particular dog came out, there was an obvious immediate connection between the two and even though this dog is definitely a bit clingy, that suited this man just fine!!! Later, when he came to pick up the dog, the man was standing in the back of the adoption center and as soon as the dog heard his voice, he ran over and never left the man’s side until they left the building. Looks like River & his new dad both got what they wanted!!

The first couple were venturing into the world of Greyhound ownership for the first time and were excited to find their hound. They saw a few very different dogs which you would think would make it easier to make a decision, but that is not always the case. They narrowed the list down to a boy and a girl and needed to take a little extra time to discuss their decision — as you might guess, we always would rather someone do this than make a snap decision. After deliberating, they picked our handsome blue fawn boy, Beige, and they decided to rename him Eames (pronounced E-mes). Just in case you wonder where they got this name, they are both architects and this is the name of an architect that they both admire.

The next couple was also at the kennel to find their first Greyhound. They lead a pretty active life so that expanded the list of dogs that were available to them and they cut that list down to two wonderful dogs. When it came to decision time, they needed a second round of time in the yard with each dog before they felt they could make a decision, but, that extra time paid off for the fawn boy with bunny fur, Jo (nka Pippin)!