Join us here as our Adoption Representatives share stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Sparrow with her new Mom, Mindy.
This adopter has had many greyhounds over the years but was currently without a canine companion. She came in looking for a girl who could eventually work as a therapy dog and attend greyhound meet & greet events. We introduced all of the girls who fit the bill, but it was the first one she met who stole the show with her mellow demeanor and some good leans! Congratulations to 3 1/2 year old Sparrow from Australia on finding her new mom! – Mike Forrest

Here’s Zion, nka Green Bean Casserole, Green Bean, for short, with new parents, Evan and Haley.
This adoption took a while because we had a long wait to get the pup in to see an eye doctor before he could be adopted. But during that wait two different families were kind enough to foster him. And he must have done something right because that second family has decided to keep him! Congratulations to them and 4 1/2 year old Zion, now known as Green Bean Casserole (or Green Bean for short)! – Mike Forrest

Libby, nka Lile,(L) Dad Jacob & Mom Joy, with sister Seaghdha fka Sally.
These adopters brought home their first greyhound a little over a year ago. She’s a 7-year-old Irish girl named Seaghdha (formerly Sally). They recently moved into a new home with a big yard and decided that it was time to start looking for a second greyhound. They came in and met several of the dogs, and there was one that Seaghdha seemed to do particularly well with. So, it was no surprise that they decided to bring her home – this time it’s a 4-year-old English girl named Libby, who now goes by Lile! – Mike Forrest
Tip Top and Sally

Sally nka, Bear,(L) parents Grant, Jade & Daughter, Olivia, & Tip Top nka Oakley (R).
This family has previously had four greyhounds and a whippet mix, but not for many years. They volunteered at the kennel doing turnout, and fell for one of our English girls – 4-year-old Tip Top. But they also decided that they wanted to bring home TWO greyhounds, so our task was to find a good match. We narrowed down the list pretty quickly and Tip Top decided she’d be happy with a 6 1/2 year old Irish girl named Sally. So, congratulations to all of them! Tip Top is now known as Oakley, and her new sister Sally is going by Bear. (This is Tip Top, nka Oakley)
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