Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This is a first for me … a man came in wanting a dog that would fit in his car! Luckily, he has adopted from us before and we knew he had a good sense of humor or we might have sent him packing! (I’m kidding!) We only showed him a few dogs and it was pretty obvious which one caught his eye. A sweet little fawn girl came out to the adoption center and immediately started giving the man kisses (this is something I haven’t seen her do before) — and we were thinking this looked like a pretty good fit. Both the adopter and the adoptee agreed and now Miss Spring, who just happens to have a real “spring” in her step, has a new dad.

Next, a couple who has been doing turnout for the last three months came to get the dog they fell in love with three months ago! They were delayed because they were moving and had to get their fence up to snuff before they could adopt. Luckily, he waited for them! I asked what attracted them to him and the man lovingly said — he is such a total “goober”!! You know what, that is almost a perfect description of Lang (BTW — this guy has the funnest smile you have ever seen AND he puts his toys away when he is done playing with them!!!!).

We met the most wonderful Airedale Terrier named Moose and he was looking for someone to play with and someone to keep his parents company. Since Moose was around 3, he thought it would be fun to have a younger sibling and we were happy to oblige. Out of all the dogs he met, he picked two dogs that he had the most fun with and then the rest was up to the parents. They loved both of the dogs and had a heck of a time choosing one — they asked me every question you can think of to give one dog an edge over the other, but the answers were the same for both dogs. We finally decided to take Moose out of the equation & put the parents in a yard with the possible adoptees. After spending time with each one, they decided that Diesel was the best choice for all of them!!

Our dogs are finding homes all over the place – north, south and west. This dog headed to Canada with a family that lost their last Greyhound just 2 days before Christmas last year. They wanted a youngish dog who was moderately active – those two characteristics don’t always go together, but we gave it our best shot. It?s not always easy to get parents and a sixteen year old on the same page, and it was fun to watch the interaction as the son repeatedly liked the more active dogs and the parents wanted the less active ones. However, they persevered! They were only part way through the list that they wanted to spend time with outside when they met us at the back door and announced that they had made a unanimous decision – Hans was going to Canada!

The next dog went to Portland with a couple who also lost their Greyhound recently. At first, they decided to make a trip up here so that they could help with spa day and celebrate the lady?s birthday. But their agenda expanded when they heard that a very special girl was available for adoption. It only took a few minutes for them to realize that this little girl was the one for them and they couldn’t wait to head south with White, nka Cali (from Caledonia which is an Irish song that means “going home”).

One more couple who also recently lost their Grey needed a new Greyhound for their 5 year old Terrier Mix, Myrtle, to play with. Myrtle was a wonderful sport and put up with all of these big, leggy dogs sniffing and trying to get to know her. After meeting a variety of boys and girls, she decided that her favorite one, who also, thankfully, happened to be the favorite of her parents, was Leny who is now known as Leonard. BTW, Leonard headed west to Ballard!

Most of the people who have come in to look at dogs lately have recently lost one of their precious hounds and this couple is no exception. Not only were they missing their wonderful boy, Diver, but their remaining Greyhound, Herbie, was also very sad without his buddy. The dogs we showed them did a greyt job, but one of them walked into the adoption center and did some of the things that Diver had done, like bowing, which immediately tugged at their hearts. When I saw the lady tear up as she talked about this dog, there was no doubt that Truck was going to head home with them.

The next family came looking for their first Greyhound mostly because their 21 year old son was really wanting a big dog. This family, actually the mom, started out as a cat family, then they expanded to include small dogs including their current Italian Greyhound. So, the next step was to a full sized Greyhound. They have previously adopted dogs with all kinds of special needs and they were well equipped to take on one of our shyer dogs. We introduced them to a few of our shy dogs and one of them really caught their eye — Scooby (I can’t wait to see how he blossoms with them)!!!