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Sophie & Bolt

Sophie & Bolt with new mom & dad, Sarah & Chris.
This adoption has been a while in the making. The adopters are experienced dog owners, including one of our greyhounds, and they are also long-time turnout volunteers. They got in touch with us about a month ago asking about a specific pair of dogs and whether they would be the right fit for their family. The two dogs are brother & sister greyhound/shepherd mixes who came to us from South Korea a little over a year ago. They are bonded to each other but were very afraid of people when they arrived, and it has taken a lot of work with our dedicated staff & volunteers for them to become more comfortable. We wanted to make sure that these two have the best chance in their new home, so over the last several weeks the adopters have been coming to the kennel to work with our trainer and get everybody used to being around each other. Today was finally the big day though, and we’re all super excited to see Sophie & Bolt heading off to their new home and new adventures! – Mike Forrest