Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

The next couple recently moved to a home on Vashon Island that is on 5 acres so they were all ready to give another Greyhound a home. They currently have one of our Greyhounds, Dax, and now that Dax has lots of room to run around, the couple decided that he needed another Greyhound so that he could make use of all that space. We showed him a couple of boys and a couple of girls and he picked a fawn girl that looks like a mini version of him. Since Dax is a daddy’s boy, the couple was hoping for a mama’s girl which is just what they got when they took Ruby home!

Canada has added another Greyhound to its population!! This couple recently lost their sweet little fawn Greyhound and decided it is time to share their home with another little girl. We showed them quite a variety of girls from young and extremely active to young and very active! 😉 All the girls were truly on their best behavior but there was one who made sure the couple knew that she had selected them — she was attentive and affectionate and it is really hard to resist a dog when they make it so obvious you are their person. Miss Clarke, nka Oh-so, did an excellent job and earned herself a lovely home and a trip to Canada!!

Two of our Australian dogs have already “left the building” and we have only had them about two weeks. We have a lady who has patiently waited for a dog that was cat friendly, old enough to live in an apartment and was also able to handle living in downtown Bellevue. Her home visit was done last January so she has been waiting almost a year!! When she learned that one of the girls from Australia would fit her needs, she couldn’t get out to the kennel fast enough to meet her and see how they got along. Needless to say, they connected pretty quickly. I’m sure she would say that the wait was worth it because she went home with a beautiful Australian girl that met all of her needs — Topaz!! –

The next couple came to hear Rebecca Miller (our contact with the Australian group Racing 2 Rehome) talk about racing in Australia and the steps they have gone through to make it possible for the Australian dogs to come to the US. As they sat listening to Rebecca, they were facing the Australian dogs and one cute little black girl put on a little show for them (and the rest of us too!). As soon as the talk was over, they made an appointment to bring their two dogs in to meet her and see if she would get along with their boys. BTW, one of their boys was also born in Australia and came to us via Macau, China. Luckily, the boys and girl got along very well so they were very excited to take home their new addition — Lucy!

I have said so many times that when you volunteer for turnout, you get to be the one of the first ones to see the new dogs and get to know them. This lady found out first hand that I was telling the truth. While doing turnout she met a boy that completely stole her heart — all she had to do was convince her family that this was the dog for them. I don’t think it mattered much what she told them because pretty much the instant they walked in, they started talking about Mason as if he were their very own dog and now he is!! BTW, they have decided to call him Ziggy.

This family was looking for a playmate for their two year old Whippet named Vinnie and we really had fun trying to find the perfect one for him. We started out with a couple of our young girls and they were way too rambunctious for him so we decided it might be a good idea to try some males. He seemed to be intimidated by the boys, even our most mellow guy, so we opted for plan “c”. We thought one of our Dubai girls might be a good fit because she is kinda in the middle of the two other groups. She was a very shy girl and she is coming out of her shell nicely and we thought that she and Vinnie might help each other blossom. Luckily, Vinnie thought that was a good plan (let’s say he didn’t hate the plan) and he decided that Aman would make a good sister for him!