Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

We definitely had some interesting combinations of dogs this weekend, and this adoption was no different. This couple came in with an Australian Shepherd named Bane who needs a buddy, but wasn’t really sure he wanted a buddy. He loves to play so he needed a dog that could keep up with him and, I admit, we were a little concerned that he would be too active and rough for our dogs — we couldn’t have been more wrong! One of our darling little girls started out sweet and calm and when we got outside, she turned into a whirling dervish and actually smacked Bane a couple of times with her paw (it almost looked like some of the slaps you’ve seen where the person uses their whole arm in the slap!) We finally found a dog that was so mellow and really couldn’t have cared less about Bane and vice versa!!! That’s when we knew we had found our match — Reagan, nka Penelope!!!!

This lady has been trying to come get a new brother or sister for her dog, Winnie (who just happens to be from Macau), but something kept getting in the way. Finally, all the stars aligned and she headed our way. Winnie had decided she wanted to meet lots of boys and she gave us a pretty lengthy list — she met those and we added a couple of others and also a few girls. Winnie actually wasn’t much help narrowing the list of candidates down because she got along with everybody so that left the final decision to her mom. Her mom gave the situation careful thought and, of course, you know that since Winnie was pretty sure she wanted a brother, she went home with a new sister, Greta!

We say over & over that these dogs are addictive and here’s more proof. This family got their first Lurcher, Davey, almost exactly a month ago and they already decided that they needed another one. The funny thing is that the daughter and mother were both looking at our website and they both decided on the same dog that would need to join their family. They brought Davey to meet the dog and luckily he approved. He hadn’t quite figured out how to play with his new sister before he left, but we’re sure Betzy (who also happens to be a Lurcher) will be happy to give him instructions!!

We have an amazing number of wonderful dogs right now and this gentleman saw a good portion of them. He met some of every type … strong, rowdy, calm, you name it — and, surprisingly, he seemed to have a relatively easy time narrowing the list down to a manageable number. At first, he was leaning toward some of our big, strong boys, but when he thought about his young grandchildren, he thought that one of our calmer boys would be a much better fit. So he headed off to eastern Washington with his new best friend, our beautiful, black boy — Buck!

This couple has been thinking about getting a Greyhound for quite a few years and the time is finally right for them. They actually started watching our website while they still lived in Canada. Now they are in the U.S., the wife isn’t working at the present and the husband will be working from home for the rest of this month so they thought they couldn’t pick a better time to adopt a dog. After they narrowed their list of dogs down to two (one boy and one girl), it kind of looked like they were having a bit of a hard time deciding and then one final fact tipped the scale towards one dog. The handsome, brindle boy had the same birthday as the wife and that just seemed like a sign that Ian belonged with them!!

A really cute 12 year old poodle named Hazel brought her family in to find a new playmate for her. At first, we were a little worried that our hounds might be a little too active for her, but we quickly realized it may be the other way around. Even though she doesn’t see well, Hazel checked out every dog and she was ready to play with all of them. As so often happens, if the dog doesn’t make a decision, the owners have to do it and, thankfully, this family was in total agreement that Peri would be a wonderful playmate for Hazel!!

When we put out the call for foster homes to help us handle the huge influx of dogs we had coming in early February, a couple who already had a female Greyhound, Laila (fka Opal) offered to take a dog and they chose a boy who had been at the kennel for quite a while. This boy would probably have gotten adopted more quickly if he hadn’t made it almost impossible for his foster parents to get any sleep. I have to give the foster parents a lot of credit — they loved this boy and wanted to try everything they could to help him sleep through the night. When they thought they had done just about everything and nothing worked, someone suggested giving him a small amount of food just before bed and, just like magic, he slept through the night (and so did the rest of the family)!!! With that final hurdle cleared (and the fact that Laila had so much fun playing with him) the family couldn’t wait to make Odie part of the family!!