Rainbow Bridge Memorial

Emma "Vanessa Rose"

"Vanessa Rose"
July 9, 1999 - April 1, 2011

Dearly missed by Jeani Penn

 The Divine Miss Emma, as we named her on the way home, was our first Greyhound and the reason for so many adoptions in the Sequim area. She was the grand dame of all Greyhounds. Emma was sweet, polite, loving, graceful and, up to the very end, had a spring in her step that would make any Greyhound proud. She chose the male in the house at first glance and stuck like glue to him throughout the rest of his life. Her favorite pastime was “holding hands” with Phil, and when he let go, she let him know how unhappy she was. She started the Penn’s career in fostering, meet and greets and Greyhound love. She will be missed.