Rainbow Bridge Memorial

Bold "Bold Move "

"Bold Move "
April 14, 1995 - December 21, 2004

Dearly missed by Melissa and Chris Speilhagen

We recently helped our girl, Bold, cross the Rainbow Bridge. She had been sick for two years with what is called a protein-losing enteropathy… her body could not absorb the nutrients from her food.

Bold, we miss you. You were always sweet and gentle, a dog of opportunity at times; sneaking out the door to give Dad a nice long run, “table-surfing” for sandwiches or whatever you could find, but I’ll miss your tender hugs and leans the most. But you are free now. No more medications or doctors visits, no more leashes or fences to stand in your way.

We love you. Run Baby Girl, Run. ~ Melissa and Chris Spielhagen