Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

When you have chickens, ducks and a 10 pound Chihuahua mix (named Teton), you just know that your search for the perfect Greyhound to add to your family is not going to be easy. Well, thankfully, the couple who has all these wonderful pets also had very realistic expectations which made our jobs so much easier!! We did actually come up with two dogs that did very well with Teton and the couple was fortunate enough to truly have a choice about which dog would work best for them. It only took them a short while to realize that Miss Peri was the one that would be the best fit for their family.

We got some surprising info when the couple we were working with told us that they came to us because no other agencies that they approached had any dogs available. They wanted a dog (no particular breed or size) and just recently became aware of our hounds and decided to pursue adopting one. We only had a few dogs (3) that they could choose from because they needed a dog that would get along with their cat, and those 3 gorgeous boys really put on a show. By the time the couple left with their new addition, they had not only fallen for Storm, but they were already well on their way to becoming a part of the Greyhound fan club!! Here’s hoping that the lack of dogs at other agencies helps us find a lot more homes for our current (and soon to be) residents!