Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.
Pam and Doodle

You just never know what is going to happen at any given adoption and this one was no exception. First of all, this couple already has two tortoises which is certainly not something you encounter every day. They have wanted to expand their family and add a dog to the mix for a long time, so, when they bought their house late this summer, the first thing they did was put up their fence and then all they had to do was find the perfect female Greyhound to romp around in the yard. They had a hard time finding one perfect female, but they had no trouble finding two — Pam and Doodle!!

Last month, we were looking for some homes that would foster dogs for us so that we could make room for the large number of dogs that we were expecting. Around that time, these men had been doing the Brightwater walks and they were really interested in one of our sweet Lurchers from the Ohio area. So, when one of them just happened to mention how much they liked this boy to me, of course, I asked if they might want to foster him. After thinking it over, they said yes! As many of you know, it is not unusual for foster homes turn into forever homes (You know I would be lying if I said we didn’t have our fingers crossed that this situation would have that kind of outcome). Happily, they did just what we were hoping for and they decided to make Freddie an official family member!!

The next couple has done turnout a couple of times and they were just itching to meet dogs so they could take their own Greyhound home. They started out looking for a small female and we showed them plenty of those and we also added in a couple of males that are on the smaller side. They decided it was going to be one of two dogs and then it took quite a while for them to agree on the final choice. The person who did their home visit told them that although they were looking for a small female, they would probably go home with a big, black male. I don’t know if he is clairvoyant, but that is exactly what happened — they adopted Storm who fits that description perfectly!!

Next came a family from Canada who also just happened to be looking for a small female. They have a 12 1/2 year old Greyhound named Tia who is on the small side and they thought a small girl would be the best fit for her. After seeing the Saluki mixes on our web-site, they were excited to see if one of them would be a good addition to their family. At first, Tia wasn’t sure she wanted any part of this scenario, but, once she settled a bit, she began to act as if the whole thing wasn’t quite that bad. The funny thing is that the mother fell in love with a dog on the website and Tia’s initial reaction to that particular dog was a little shaky. However, when they met again outside, they became best buddies and the mother got to take home the one she wanted all along — Zara!!

The next lady has also had many of our hounds and a few weeks ago she came to the kennel to visit some of her human friends. She was not looking for a dog to adopt, but, we had just gotten some new dogs from Dubai and we told her she should just go look at one of them. She fell under his spell in about 2 seconds and immediately started talking about introducing him to her current Greyhound, Molesley. That part is always a bit tricky, but Molesley seemed to get along with this boy and the boy also seemed to get along with him! That was certainly good news, because it is hard to imagine that this adopter would have been able to go home without Rami!!!!

This family made a trip to the kennel a couple of weeks ago thinking that a Greyhound was going to be a wonderful pet for them and their two young boys. But, as they met some of the Greyhounds, we started to realize that another type of dog that was a little smaller might be a better fit for them. We weren’t sure we had a dog that fit that description, but all of a sudden we thought of one. The whole family kind of lit up when we brought her out to meet them and they unanimously decided that Lydia was going to be a part of their family!!!

We are on to the Newbies and, now that i think of it, both of those couples are from Canada! The first couple have been looking for a dog that would get along with their cat and be ok in their apartment in downtown Vancouver. That actually is a pretty tall order to fill, but we found a girl that we think can cope with almost any situation she encounters. The biggest bonus is that the dog immediately started her schmoozing act when she met the couple in the adoption center and, the truth is, they really didn’t need to spend any more time with her — they knew Donna was the one for them.