
This lady has wanted a Greyhound for two years and things have finally fallen into place over the last 6 months so that she is now able to have one. She was so excited and felt so lucky to be able to do this and she had so much fun meeting the Greys and deciding which one would be hers (there really was no decision to be made — she and the dog seemed to hit it off immediately). She did run into a couple of road blocks — first, the dog needed to be vetted and that wasn’t going to happen for a couple of weeks. Then the day before she was supposed to pick the dog up, one of our super employees noticed the dog was lethargic and then throwing up. Their quick action allowed us to get the dog to the vet quickly and get the needed treatment. All is well now and she was finally able to take Oscar, nka Remy, home!!

This couple really wasn’t looking to add another Greyhound to their family (they already had a girl named Diva), but the lady made the mistake of looking at our website and was attracted to a cute little black girl. That was the dog that got her to contact us, but shortly after that she saw a very handsome white dog and she thought that he was the front runner! Things never go quite the way you think they will and this couple ended up going home with the girl that first caught their attention — Holly.