Join us here as our Adoption Representatives share stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Nala nka as Nellie and new mom, Sue.
This adopter is another long-time greyhound owner. Her girl Amber passed away several months ago, and she decided the time was right to look for a new companion. We introduced a couple of our dogs, but she was uncertain because they were a little too aloof for her. Well the happy, bouncy Irish girl that came out next must have heard us talking because she immediately pranced up and started giving her new mom kisses. And if you have met this girl then you’ve probably already guessed that it must be Nala, now known as Nellie! – Mike Forrest

Donnie aka Donatello with new Dad Mark & Mom Anita.
You may recognize this little guy from a recent adoption notice – unfortunately things didn’t work out between him and the other dog in the house. Fortunately we get a lot of applications whenever we get in an Italian Greyhound, and this time was no exception. Today’s adopters are very experienced with I.G.’s, having previously owned three, and have been looking for a new companion. I think Donnie (now short for Donatello) is excited to fill that role! – Mike Forrest

Vada, nka Vida with new dad & mom, Douglas & Lisa with Max.
This adoption has been a long time coming. When this girl arrived 18 months ago nobody thought it would take long for her to find her new family. But for whatever reason the right situation never came along. Well, that is all history now and Vada (now Vida) is joining her new greyhound brother Max (fka Trigger) in her new home! – Mike Forrest

Sinead nka Orla with new parents Chris & Drew.
These adopters have been patiently waiting for the right dog to come in for the better part of a year. They have two cats, so finding the right match has been extra challenging. But recently we got in a girl from West Virginia who fit the bill, so they quickly came to meet her. Today they made it official and Sinead, now known as Orla, headed out with her new family! – Mike Forrest

Linus (L), Blue, Brewster, Major & Greta
This adoption has been in the works for a little bit because we needed to make sure that this guy got along with the rest of his new pack. He was previously turned into our group due to a bad case of separation anxiety, but with four other dogs around this doesn’t
seem to be a problem! Please join me and Blue, Brewster, Major and Greta in welcoming Linus to his new pack! – Mike Forrest

Marty with new mom, Nancy.
This recent adopter came all the way from central Oregon to find a new greyhound companion. She had a greyhound growing up and other dogs since then, but hadn’t had a dog for several years now. We introduced her to a few greyhounds and a couple of mixes, but it was the greyhounds that she really connected with. And one in particular: a handsome, playful brindle boy who recently arrived into our care from West Virginia – Marty! – Mike Forrest

Rami (L) with new mom, Nanz, foster Lucky (on right) and Fern in front.
This adoption was to a family of long-time greyhound owners and GPI volunteers. They recently lost their boy Coco, and their girl Fern needed a new buddy. They got maybe a little more than they bargained for though and ended up with two new additions! The first is GPI foster girl Lucky who came to us from Bahrain. And now they’ve adopted Rami who originally came to us from the UAE! – Mike Forrest
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