Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.
Mudd and River

The family that came to the kennel said that they really didn’t think they would find a dog that would fit them on their first trip to the kennel. They were so wrong!! We had so many dogs that would fit them that we had trouble narrowing the list down so that we could show them a reasonable number of dogs. Usually, with that many people, it’s hard to get everyone on the same page, but this time, they all agreed that instead of just getting one dog, they needed to get two. The two boys they selected got along beautifully with the entire family and each other — so, Mudd, nka Max, and River, nka Alex, have a new home with plenty of people to spoil them rotten — sounds like a pretty good place to me!! –

This couple has been an amazing foster family for this particular dog. They agreed to foster her with very little notice and fostering this dog involved weekly trips from West Seattle to Bothell for vet visits, administering meds at least 4 times a day and keeping a one year old dog from being too active. I don’t know how they did it, but they did it beautifully along with taking care of the new dog they had just adopted!! The dog is now healthy enough to be adopted (BTW, she had a broken leg) and she can be an official family member. Texas and her sister Birdie (fka Scarlet) certainly were lucky when they found this couple!!!

Busy day today!!! This couple was looking for a mellow dog and, while we had a couple that might have worked, we had one perfect prospect. This dog likes lots of attention, cuddling & just being with his people. He decided pretty quickly that this couple was “his people” and, thankfully, they felt the same way. They couldn’t wait to take Chewie home.

A family was looking to make an addition to their family and they were open to all dogs. But, as we talked and saw their reactions to the different dogs, we realized they really wanted a big boy and we had no shortage of those. They really liked them all, but the first dog they saw clicked with them immediately and that was the one they took home — Stagger!!!

These dogs are just flying out of the kennel! The first dog to leave made it almost impossible for his prospective parents to choose another dog. He did such a good job of schmoozing that, even though this couple did try to consider other dogs, there was no way the others could compete with Gavin (nka Bambi)!!

This man was looking for his first Greyhound and he was leaning toward adopting a male. Since we have so many more males than females, we had plenty of dogs to show him. Truthfully, we could have stopped after the first one!! The look on the man’s face after he met this boy said it all — he had a connection with this boy and even after meeting the other dogs, Lot was the dog he wanted to take home!!

When it comes to cat friendly dogs, we have a real shortage of dogs, but the ones we have are all sweethearts. This couple came to find a companion for their “mama’s boy” (the husband’s words, not mine), Ronin, who was formerly known as Noah. Truth be told, we think he was really a tiny bit jealous and wanting a “daddy’s boy”. Whether he got a dog that was going to be “his” buddy remains to be seen, but, there is no doubt that they got the happiest dog in the kennel. This dog’s tail never stops wagging and he is just so cute, if nothing else, View is going to make the whole family smile and laugh frequently!!