Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.
I hope I can remember the stories and don’t get anything mixed up!

First up, a man had seen this particular dog on the Rain City website and he knew as soon as he saw the dog that this was the one for him and his wife. On the other hand, this is just the situation that this dog has been waiting for … retired couple who are home a lot, fenced yard, looking for a dog that is a cuddler — who could ask for more? When they met, the dog walked up and kissed the man and there was no doubt that they belonged together! Watching Jaycee (a Lurcher from American Lurcher Project), nka Kai, walk out the door with his new dad was so touching, it truly brought tears to my eyes!!!

Sometimes someone has to give a dog up because they are moving and it just isn’t feasible to take the dog with them like when they move to a country with a long quarantine. This dog got caught in a situation just like this. But, she was lucky enough to find a situation where a dog had lost his best friend and needed a new friend so badly (and truth be told, the mom was having such a hard time watching him mourn — she wanted him to have a new friend too!!) The last piece of the puzzle was for them to meet and the dogs immediately bonded and fit together perfectly!!! Now Drexler’s family is complete with his mom and new sister, Dani!!
Devon and Goldie

The next couple has had eight Greyhounds and fostered many more so they were well acquainted with the breed and knew just what would work for them. They wanted to take home two dogs, a boy and a girl. It was fun to watch them fall for every dog they met, but they had a good grip on their ultimate goal so they didn’t seem to get bogged down with all of that. They picked such a cute pair of dogs … Devon & Goldie who got along greyt with each other and totally connected with their new parents!!

I keep saying that volunteering is the inside track to get to know the dogs!! This gentleman has been doing the Brightwater walks for quite a while and I’m sure he has had the chance to walk quite a few dogs and one of them finally got a good hold on his heart and wouldn’t let go (very smart girl!!). One big bonus for all of us, from them finding each other, is that this little girl has the ability to easily clear a 6’ fence (from a stand still!!!!) and this man lives in an apartment where she won’t have the opportunity to try this stunt again! The dogs from Dubai don’t always have a lovely life in their future, but, Safa has been lucky to find a new life with her new dad in a new country — I don’t think she could or would ask for much more than that!!!

Here’s a question for you — do you trust your partner to choose a dog to adopt without your input? That has happened twice this week, and it does make you think twice! In this particular case, I’m not sure it would have made any difference if this lady had her partner with her or not. The first dog she met won the battle before any of the other dogs had a chance to get out of their crates. It may sound odd, but part of the reason this woman fell for this dog is because she had “happy tail” and the dog stood absolutely still as one of our volunteers (thank heavens for our “resident nurse”, Mary) tried to get the bleeding to stop and created a kind of sling so her tail couldn’t hit anything else. The other part of the reason she fell for this dog is that they had an instant connection which was obvious to all of us. I will be absolutely amazed if her partner does not fall head over heels in love with Spot, nka GiGi, immediately!!! If he doesn’t, my advice is — ditch the partner, keep the dog!!!! 😉
P.S. For those of you who don’t know, “happy tail” happens when a dog is in close quarters and keeps wagging its tail which hits the walls and consequently bleeds (a lot!). It’s hard to believe there is much blood in a tail, but there is and every time the dog wags its tail the blood flies all over everywhere!!

A couple that has been married for about a year and a half had decided to adopt their first fur child together and I don’t think they could have been more excited. They were open to anything so we showed them a wide variety of dogs and they narrowed it down to two very different possibilities. After they spent time in the yard with the first dog, we brought the other dog out — as soon as we brought out the dog, he started his show (prancing around the yard, playing with the ball and even fetching it) and the woman immediately said he was the one!! We all agree that this couple got a pretty special boy when they adopted Racer, nka Mack!!

Next came a couple who had recently lost their Greyhound. They helped start and have been very involved with a rescue group in eastern Washington and, in addition, they have been very involved with Border Collies. A few years ago, they got their first Greyhound and shortly thereafter got their second. Coincidentally, both Greys were named Ruby and, sadly, both of them were only meant to spend a short time in this home. They still have their Border Collies, but they have gotten the Greyhound bug and they came to find their newest family addition today. They wanted a young girl so that they would be able to have a longer time with her and they found a complete sweetheart named Sansa!!

Another previous Greyhound owner was next on the docket. She has been doing turnout for a while so she had already screened the possible fits for her and narrowed the list down to two. One of the dogs is about to be adopted by her foster family so she was out of the picture, however, I don’t think it mattered that only one of her two choices was still available — when she got together with Abigail, nka Cassidy, there was no question it was a good match and they would be happy together!!

Lastly, a lady who had recently relocated to our area, came to find her first Greyhound/Greyhound mix. She was looking at such different dogs from Greys to Salukis that it was kinda difficult to figure out which way she was going to go, but we knew she would figure it out. She really wanted a dog that would snuggle with her and I think she got one of the absolute best snugglers in the kennel — Condi!!!

You are really taking a chance when you bring your granddaughter with you to pick out a dog (I’m only half kidding here 😉). They look at their grandparents with these huge eyes and grandparents just seem to crumble. This little girl fell in love with one of our big, bouncy boys and, he obviously fell in love with her (He couldn’t have been more gentle and sweet) and thankfully, her grandparents fell in love with the same dog. I kinda think that Patterson knew the grandparents, his parents that is, were a soft touch and he helped seal the deal to make sure he was in the car for the trip to Alberta, Canada!!

The next situation was a challenge, this lady needed a dog that would get along with her Borzoi, her 3.5 pound Chihuahua and her cat! That’s a pretty tall order (especially since we only had a very few dogs to choose from), but we found a match!!! In fact, the first dog we showed turned out to be the best match for everything she needed. This cute little brindle girl’s registered name is Js Goodytwoshoes (we call her Goody), but what every you call her, she earned herself a trip to Canada with her new family!!!!

The next couple have had a lot of Greyhounds in their home — at least one of their own and quite a few fosters — so they knew about the hounds and knew what type of personality would best fit their situation. Of course, they have cats which limited the number of dogs that were available to them, but they didn’t have any trouble making a decision. They love the dogs that are on the shyer side and they picked an absolute sweetheart who came to us from the American Lurcher Project — Laverne!!