
This couple came to get their first Greyhound together. The husband has already had two Greyhounds and he could not wait to get another one and, apparently, he was able to convince his wife that was a wonderful idea. He and his wife have had a wide variety of dogs and they thought that a male Greyhound would be a perfect addition to their family. I’m sure you know where this is going … of course, they ended taking home a sweet little brindle girl named Maggie!!!

There is not much mystery about this adoption — this couple saw their future dog on one of the websites, fell in love at first sight, had a home visit and came to meet their dog. They were so sure that they were going to adopt this dog that they were putting messages on Instagram about the dog they were adopting before they even met her. Luckily, this little charmer from South Korea lived up to everything they were hoping and Benni

The first couple was from Eastern Washington and they were looking to adopt their first dog together. They didn’t need to see many dogs before they knew which one was theirs. When they met this particular dog, they both connected with her immediately and said she was their top choice. But the real signs that dog was going to be theirs were that the wife choked up when the dog came out to play with them in the yard and the deal was really sealed when the lady started to tear up while they played!! I don’t think we could have talked them out of adopting this dog if we tried and, of course, we wouldn’t have tried because Dancer (nka Gilly) obviously felt she was part of their family at once!!!

Next was a couple who recently moved up here from Oregon and they were looking for a buddy for their 9 year old Grey named Roman. Roman was really easy — he got along with everyone — so the couple had to make the decision about which dog would be theirs. It wasn’t an easy decision but they decided on our sweet little fawn girl “who has been a bridesmaid many times and never the bride”, Goldie!!

This man had a Greyhound and had been looking for a companion for himself & Mabel (fka Megan). He did turnout as soon as we got the new load and prescreened the dogs and came up with a couple of dogs he really hoped his dog would get along with. He did a great job because she got along with both. Then he was having to make the choice and was having a hard time deciding which dog would work best so, since we knew either dog would work with Mabel, we suggested he spend time with each of them without Mabel. One dog spent the whole time trying to get back in the building and the other couldn’t get enough attention from him. Guess which one he chose — Donna who is now known as Daphne!!!

This next couple was finally in a place where they could add a Greyhound to their family. Actually, the wife had been wanting a Greyhound for 20 years (even though she didn’t even look nearly old enough to have wanted a dog for that long) and was very excited to finally be able to adopt. They looked at quite a variety of dogs and were able to narrow it down to two dogs — one male and one female. They were having difficulty deciding and we pointed out that they needed to stop thinking from their heads and, instead, listen to their feelings. When we asked which one they felt the strongest connection to, they both said the same name simultaneously without even thinking!! So the question was answered and decision made in one instant and Brittany was headed to her new home!!