Thanks to our hard-working, caring volunteers, and patient approved adopters, many dogs have been adopted recently. Catch up today with Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling’s stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

I wish I could tell you how many times we have shown this particular dog lately — suffice it to say that it was a lot. She is pretty skittish at first so we were definitely looking for a family with the patience to let her blossom at her own pace. Since being shown in the little yard makes her nervous because of the road noise, we decided to show her in the big yard where it would be quieter and she would be more comfortable. Greyt plan but didn’t work out so well since our neighbor was out in the yard using a nail gun through the whole showing. The good news is that these people saw exactly what this dog was like and fell completely in love with her almost immediately. So, Miss Lolla headed off to her new home in Puyallup with her new buddies, a French Bull dog named Bogey and a Pug named Lucy — oh yeah, and two wonderful parents!!

This couple has already been through the adoption process a few times and recently lost their last Greyhound, Tux. They were missing him terribly and felt strongly that Tux would have wanted them to share the love they have with another Greyhound. In the past, this process has gone very quickly with this couple because they know what they are looking for and they recognize it as soon as they see it and today was no exception. They only looked at two dogs and that was plenty for them and, yet, they said it was still a very difficult decision for them. But, in the end, they decided that the goofy, light brindle boy with the helicopter tail was the one for them. I think that Buddy, nka Kona, is going to keep them entertained for a long time!!!

This is one adoption that happened and I’m not sure quite how it all got started, but, it kind of goes like this … the woman was sorority sister of one of our board members and they originally met a few years ago and bonded because they both had Greyhounds. Unfortunately, the lady recently lost her Greyhound and she was looking for another one — through the sorority newsletter written by our board member, she learned that our board member was fostering the dog that she had been looking at on our web-site. (I hope you are still with me on this!!) After the lady went through our approval process, we met and introduced her to the foster dog. Here’s the really fun part … this dog is pretty shy and yet, he walked right up to this lady and her cute little Weiner dog named Scoobie with his head held high and tail wagging. It was as if Breaker knew this was his new family and couldn’t wait to start the next phase of his life!

We had our first virtual adoption … this couple was anxious to get their new dog but the lady had to work so the man came with his cell phone and FaceTime and his partner was able to participate in the whole process including the final decision on which dog they were going to adopt. There really was no contest … the first two dogs they saw were sweet and shy but, unfortunately, weren’t very interested in being around people. But then, we brought out one of our little girls from Dubai — she walked right up to the man, layed down & rolled over to have a belly rub and shortly thereafter Oreo, nka Lucy, walked out of the door with her new dad!!

This family has a 6 year old Portuguese Water Dog named, Omelet, who was in need of a playmate. The family thought that a girl would be the best fit so, since Omelet is extremely active, we introduced him to a couple of our more active, assertive girls. Truthfully, we had no idea what was going to happen when we turned the dogs loose and we were all prepared and hoping someone above was watching over us!! Thankfully, all went well and we had two greyt possibilities for Omelet to choose from and he chose our sweet, brown eyed, fawn girl Birdy (who BTW is no pushover and knows how to stand up for herself)!!!

This couple brought their 2 1/2 year old Golden doodle named Breezy to the kennel to find a playmate. Breezy lacks confidence so they were hoping to find a male dog that might help her with that in addition to having the energy to keep up with her. We found a couple of dogs that we thought would be able to do just that and, fortunately, Breezy liked both them so the parents actually got to make the final decision. The chose our big fawn boy, Drake!!