Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

As we are getting our most recent arrivals vetted, we are slowly working our way through the list of people who have been hoping for a dog that is cat trainable. This is one of the first couples who were ready to go. I should mention that the dog that ended up being a part of this family would be really lucky because the mom just happens to be a dog walker and loves to have company all day long so the dog would not be alone much. On the other hand, this couple hit the “trifecta” – they met all of the dogs that met their needs and they completely fell in love with a beautiful girl who just happened to be – 1) cat trainable , 2) Australian (one of the 5 we just got) and 3) Blue. For those of you who don’t know, blue Greyhounds are uncommon and I have to say that Miss Lola is one of the prettiest “blues” we have gotten (inside & out)!!

When we have someone who is looking for a greyhound that does well with small dogs, we never know if we are going to be there for a short time or a long time. It all depends on how quickly we find dogs that get along with that particular dog. Luckily, this appointment went pretty quickly because the cute, 12 year old Snorkie (I think that is Schnauzer/Yorkie) did very well with the dogs she met and, luckily, she got along the very best with the dog her people fell for — Caramel!!