Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

The lady who came to the kennel for this appointment just lost one of her dogs last week and not only is the remaining dog lost without her pal but the people are a also little lost. Needless to say, the whole family is truly in need of something fun to focus on. Well they found the solution!! We showed them a couple of dogs, but from the minute they met this cute little girl, there was no doubt who was the best fit for this family! The girl they got is a puppy so they are going to have their hands full trying to keep up with her, but, I’m sure they are going to have so much fun with Kayko.

This lady came with her daughter and a completely open mind and we just love that!! Girl, boy, purebred, Lurchers — she was open to them all. Each of the dogs we showed them was more than happy to show its true colors and I think she enjoyed meeting all of them. She spent time in the yard with a couple of the dogs and that only made the decision harder. She did decide on one of our wonderful boys and when she pulled out her black and white glasses so she could read the contract we knew it was absolutely meant to be that Junior be her dog – Junior is black & white and looks a little like a Dalmatian!!!!!

The boy who went home with these adopters became a kennel favorite almost the instant that he arrived at the kennel and the couple that adopted him came to the same conclusion almost as quickly! They looked at a few dogs and narrowed it down to two, but I’m not sure they even needed to see both dogs a second time. The woman of the couple is a schoolteacher and the last day of school was the day before — she may be enjoying her freedom from teaching, but I think she has signed on for a teaching gig that will keep her very busy while she is on vacation this summer. While Dom, nka Ernie, is a sweet, wonderful boy, he has a lot to learn and I think he ended up with the right couple to help him get on the right track!!

I can’t figure out if we are sending more dogs north or south of our borders, but today another one of our greys headed down to Portland. When the couple arrived, we started out looking at the Macau dogs and they all did a greyt job of showing themselves off. However, after a short tour through the kennel, the couple wanted to see two other dogs that caught their eye. After spending some time with both dogs separately, they were having a hard time deciding between the two so they asked to see them together. As you probably guessed, we were hoping both would be adopted, but they decided two dogs might be a little too much to take on so, they narrowed down to one – Ernie.

The lady who had this appointment has been coming to the Brightwater walks for a while and lately she has been walking one dog that has completely won her heart. BTW, this little girl has also won numerous hearts around the kennel and no one can believe that she has actually stayed with us as long as she has. Her kennel stay came to an end today as Salma (who came to us from the UAE) pranced out the door toward her home on Capital Hill with her new mom.

The next lady has been asking me about a specific dog since she first contacted me to set up an appointment. We were all puzzled that this dog has been with us as long as she has but, we knew it was mostly because the right person had not come to get her yet. Today, everything changed when her potential new mom walked in the door. There was no double that Haley, who is from Macau, was meant to be with this lady and they both knew it!!