Join us here as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This couple came from all the way from Vancouver Island to adopt one of our dogs! They needed a dog that could get along with their older cat and, for once, we actually had a few dogs for them to meet. After meeting every one of our “cat friendly” dogs and playing with several of them in the yard and the adoption center, they decided on our darling puppy from Hawaii. The truth is that it would have been almost impossible not to fall in love with Kai after watching him play with his squeaky ball in the adoption center!!

This couple came to adopt their first Greyhound. They had been here the day before but they just couldn’t decide between two of our beautiful girls so they had to go home and discuss things. Thankfully, they were able to come to an agreement and they came to pick up their new family member. I’m not sure who was more excited, the couple or our black Irish girl (who looks a little like a black lab !). All I know is that Sally couldn’t wait to get out of the door and on her way to her new home.

When most of our dogs are adopted, people come in, meet them, take them home and off they go. But for some of our dogs, to have the best results, the potential owners have to do some work before they adopt their dog. This man has done turnout for quite a while and he fell for a pretty fawn and white girl from South Korea. He knew that there were some issues that she needed to work on and he needed to know how to work on them with her so he initiated some “pre-training” sessions with our resident trainer. When he and the trainer felt that the dog was ready to go home, they decided to continue training sessions as soon as he got home. All that work paid off for both him and Miss Heidi and she is now living happily in her new home — Hooray for her and her new dad (and thanks to our trainer for all her help!)!

It seems like we have a lot of different types of dogs right now and most people come in looking for one type or another. However, this couple was open to meeting all shapes and sizes of dogs and we were happy to introduce them to a few. It actually didn’t take them long to narrow their choices down to 2 dogs, but it did take a while to make the final decision. The gorgeous brindle girl that they chose did a greyt job of trying to let them know that she had made her choice, but it took the couple a little while to understand what she was doing. When the “lightbulb” went on, they realized that our Lurcher from the mid-west , Loo-Loo, had to be their new family member.

This couple has a two year old female Doberman, named Petra, that was definitely in need of a playmate. We weren’t quite sure what our dogs were going to think about a dobie, and we got some interesting reactions. A couple of our dogs let it be known quickly that they were not going to do well, but, luckily, we had a couple of girls that thought it would be fun to play with Petra. Actually, Petra and April hit it off immediately and had so much fun playing together that we knew quickly she would be heading north with her new family!!