Please contact Moira Corrigan ([email protected]) for more information about Juniper
Tag No: 6825
Registered Name: None
Breed: German Shepherd Mix
Date of Birth: Approx April 2020
Color: Fawn/White
Cat Trainable: No
Dog Friendly: Unknown
Kid Friendly: No young children
Location: Woodinville, WA (Kennel)
Comments: I hope you watched my video (at the end of this page) — one of my trainers was playing tag with me and you can easily see how much FUN I am!!!
My name is Juniper and I can’t wait to tell you all about myself! Because a kennel in Woodinville was kind enough to help me, I moved from California. However, I ended up in a place where people come to meet Greyhounds and they don’t have much interest in dogs that aren’t Greyhounds. Well, I may not be a Greyhound, but I am a pretty special girl!!
There are so many things that I love to do that I can’t list them all but … I’ll try. I’m learning to fetch (& I even give it back), food toys are so much fun that my caretakers usually give me my meals in a food toy. Puzzles really make me think and it doesn’t take me long to figure them out. I know commands such as sit, down, shake, touch!! I am still working on my manners and they are improving!!! I walk well on a leash and I love to go on walks and explore the world. I think a run once in a while is really fun!! I know how to make my person feel really special … I lean on them, cuddle, give kisses & give them all my attention!
In the interest of full disclosure, I do have to say that there are a few things I am still working on. I may be a little nervous when I first meet you (and I may even bark at you) but as soon as I figure out that you are okay, I can be your best friend! I am really strong but my trainers are helping me learn not to pull too much. The trainers are even going give my new owner 4 free lessons just to make sure that we get off on the best foot possible!
I guess you also need to know the basics … I am about 2 years old and I was hit by a car which left me with a small head tilt (which just makes me cuter in my opinion)!! I have hip dysplasia which could need surgery at some time in the future but there is no way to know whether or not that will ever be needed. As of right now, I am just fine!
I am NOT a Greyhound — I look kind of like a retriever and my DNA test showed that I am 45% German Shepherd, 42% Staffordshire Terrier, 11% American Pit Bull Terrier & 2% cattle dog. If you are looking for a new family member to be your shadow, partner and very best friend, I think you better come meet me!! (PLEASE!!!)
Some photos by Christiane Leibrandt
Other photos were taken by our volunteers