Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This adoption is one that has taken way too long to happen and it was so much fun to watch. When this lady from Canada came to the kennel, she brought two of her long time friends with her to cheer her on so our dogs had quite an audience and they definitely worked it. We showed a wide variety of black dogs and slipped in one or two non-black dogs and through the whole showing, we had our fingers crossed for one special black dog. When we finished the first run through and asked which dogs she would like to see again, she said there was no need to see them again — she knew exactly which one was hers. I almost fell over when she said “Jumper” (who is nka Rupert) — it was obvious they had a connection at once and she loved his happy energy — Hooray!!

This adopting couple is a “mixed” family — she is partial to Vizslas and he is partial to Greyhounds. They recently lost his Greyhound and the whole family, including the Vizsla, Levi, was missing their friend and they knew they needed to do their homework to find their next family member. They decided to walk dogs on the Brightwater outings and had the chance to meet lots of our wonderful dogs. They actually did their homework so well that we hardly had to do anything at the adoption appointment — the only real hurdle was to make sure that Levi, was going to get along with the new dog and it only took a few minutes for it to become obvious that the dogs were going to be just fine! With both dogs’ tails wagging, Levi (and his parents) took his new brother, King, home!!

A mother and her daughter came from Vancouver, WA to get their new family member. They were actually at the kennel a couple of weeks ago, but the dog they chose was not quite ready to go home so they have had a wait for what, I’m sure, seemed like an eternity!! On their original visit, they only saw a couple of dogs because they instantly fell in love with a wonderful girl from South Korea and she fell instantly in love with them! Their new family member is Wynter and it is interesting to note that the mother’s first dog was named Sommer!!

A dad grew up with lots of dogs, including a greyhound, and has wanted one of his own for a long time. Whenever there is a young child involved, we never really know how the dogs are going to react, so it is a total crapshoot as to which dog will do best. It is always interesting to watch the whole process — it kind of takes a while for the dogs to figure out that they are meeting a small human and their reactions go from fear to curiosity to acceptance (hopefully!!). We did have a couple of dogs that made it all the way to acceptance and when it came down to the final choice Miss Mini was the winner (coincidentally, the daughter’s favorite character is Minnie Mouse!)

A couple of years ago a man came in with his daughter and adopted a cute little girl (who just happened to have the same name as me ??). Now he is ready for another grey so he and Cammy (fka Kathy) came in to find her a friend. The daughter wasn’t present at this visit — I’m sure glad that I won’t have to explain to her why, but, hopefully, she’ll be so excited about their new addition that she’ll forget about it. At any rate, the dad came in wanting a “chocolate, swirly” dog (this one threw me for a loop for a minute until it hit me that he meant a brindle) and I guess Cammy agreed because that is exactly what he got when he adopted Ben!!