Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Next, a couple who has had Borzoi for years and recently lost their most recent one came to meet some Greyhounds. Since Borzoi are difficult to find, they did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that a Greyhound would be a good alternative. They wanted a young male and although they saw a few dogs, they seemed to have a connection with the first dog they met and that was the one they took home with them — Joseph!!

Whenever we have families with young children, it is a little nerve racking just because we want to do our best to make sure our dog and the family are all going to be as safe as possible. This family has a two year old son that is an independent little guy who noticed the dogs but seemed much more interested in everything else that was going on. He did greyt with all the dogs he met which meant that the parents got to make the final decision. And, they had absolutely no trouble making that decision since they both fell in love with Crackle the minute they met him!

The next lady has kittens and a cute little pittie mix named Cayenne. She had the foresight to start muzzling Cayenne a few weeks ago so that she would be used to it by the time she came to the kennel which made it a much easier visit for all of us. We did not have a large number of dogs to show her, and the truth is that we really didn’t even need to show her any more dogs after the first one. Both Cayenne and her mother decided pretty quickly that Abby was the girl for them!