Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

These men lost their little girl Olive very quickly — she was diagnosed with a brain tumor and in less than a week she was gone. Not only were the men missing her terribly but her fur brother, Rocky, was also sad & lonely and also without direction (Olive had been the leader). They knew just what to do so they came to find a new sister who would be able to keep Rocky in line. It didn’t take long for them to decide that they had found the perfect little lady — our petite white/brindle girl named Inez!

This lady has been volunteering at the kennel for quite a while scoping out potential companions for her one & a half year old Irish Wolfhound, Sioc (pronounced Shook). As you may know, Irish Wolfhounds are pretty huge dogs and this guy made all of our dogs look like toy dogs!! We were really wondering if our dogs would be okay with him or be afraid of him because of his size. Some were intimidated by him, but, of course we found a match. As you may have guessed, the dog that did the best with him was our tiny little spunky fawn girl, May (nka Mabel, May for short)!!

When someone gets a Greyhound as their first dog, they are really taking on quite a project!! But that doesn’t seem to slow these people down and this lady is no exception. She was looking for a dog to be her couch buddy and walking/jogging buddy and she found him!! This dog was a touch reserved at first, but it didn’t take him long to take a liking to her and start showing her the famous Greyhound leaning trait. When she was looking at dogs outside, she rang the door bell almost immediately to come back in and we thought she had decided this dog was not the one she wanted. However, we were wrong — in fact, she had decided almost instantly that Heath, nka Hermès, was the boy for her!

Since it is taking a while to get all the dogs spayed and neutered, many of our adopters have had to wait a while from the time they chose their dog to the time when they could take it home. This couple was one of those. A couple of weeks ago they brought their Pomeranian mix, Waffle, to the kennel to meet the dogs and help them narrow the list of possible dogs down. He definitely did his job well. Then it was up to the couple who had decided that this time it was the husband’s turn to pick the dog. They saw a few dogs, and before they even had a chance to take the dogs outside, the wife had a favorite. She was subtle and carefully allowed her husband to make the choice (or to think he made the choice)!! They actually both picked a dog who also happened to be a kennel favorite — Fancy (nka Jasmine).

This family was looking for their first dog as a family. In preparation, they came to the kennel a couple of weeks ago so that the kids could get to meet some Greyhounds and see what they were like before the family adopted one. It didn’t take them long to fall for the dogs and there were two in particular that caught their attention. They were going to go on vacation so they weren’t ready to commit to a dog at that time, but as soon as they returned, they got on the phone and let me know that the boy that won their hearts was Jade!!

A family came to help their 15 year old daughter pick out her first dog. The family already has a dachshund mix named Dee & an Italian Greyhound mix named Chica that came to “help” the daughter in her selection process. Dee and Chica did a greyt job of screening the potential adoptees and then the daughter had to do the hard work and choose one. Of course, her parents had to sign off on her choice, but luckily, they all fell for the same one — Lisa who is now known as Kate.

A man came to get his first dog. He had lived with a Greyhound when he lived back in Ann Arbor, Michigan and he knew a Grey would be a perfect fit for him. As we showed him the dogs, I think he fell for each one of them but there was one little fawn girl that came out into the Adoption Center and immediately put her head in his lap! She did such a good job of plastering herself to him that I don’t think he could have chosen another dog even if he wanted to. Donna needs to come back and tutor the other dogs on how to get adopted!!

This couple had a Greyhound from GPI that just happened to be named Moira! She passed away a few years ago and it has taken the couple this long to recover from the loss. But, they have realized how much they miss having a Greyhound in their lives and the time had come to adopt again. They were leaning towards adopting a girl when they got to the kennel but they also wanted to see some boys. They got to see a nice variety of dogs and after narrowing the field down & playing with a few of them in the yard they decided that Gia was the one for them!!