Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

The first couple got to know Greyhounds through the wife’s sister in Tennessee and they decided they were ready for their first one. They didn’t have a hard time narrowing the list down to three dogs, but after that, they came to standstill. Even though the husband’s birthday is 4th of July and the dog was going to be his birthday present, they still had to come to mutual agreement. The wife kept saying she liked “x” and “x-1” and the husband kept saying he liked “x” so they decided they needed to think about it a little more. Actually, none of us were surprised that they picked “x”, aka Ian, since he was the husband’s favorite!

The next couple had already compromised on the type of dog they were going to get because she was partial to Basset Hounds and he wanted a bigger dog. They agreed that a Greyhound was the one for them and they both liked the two dogs they narrowed it down to. But then, they just couldn’t decide — of course, she was leaning one way and he was leaning the other. We naturally offered the option of getting both dogs, but they thought that might be a little too much so we left them alone together to figure things out. Either one of the dogs would have been a wonderful addition to their family, but since it had to be one, they picked our beautiful red girl, Joan!

Last week two ladies, who had previously had Elk Hounds and still have a kitty, came to the kennel to find their first Greyhound. At that time, we were still in the process of vetting all the dogs as well as doing our cat testing so we only had a couple of dogs to show them. They thought they had decided on a dog who had some health issues and was not ready to go home with them at that time but would be shortly. When they checked in with me this week, it turned out the dog was still having some problems so they thought they should meet some other dogs. I don’t know what got into a couple of the dogs we showed them, but they could not have been more affectionate and attentive — we always say that the dog picks their new owner, but in this case, I would say two dogs picked these ladies as their new owners and that honestly doesn’t happen very often. The ladies had a hard decision to make, but they were up to the task and decided that Wilma would be going home with them!

The couple that came today has had Greyhounds for years (I think they said they have had at least 5). Unfortunately, they recently lost their girl and the remaining boy, Cooper (fka Shuh), has been lonely and in need of some Greyhound company. They came thinking that they wanted a girl but, as cute as our girls are, they were a little too active for Cooper. He actually was quite a trooper as we introduced him to all the possibilities, but when we brought out one of our males, he seemed to be more comfortable and more interested in interacting with him. This dog had been returned a couple of weeks ago because his owner believed that he needed a playmate and he was not able to adopt another dog. His hopes for Sammy were fulfilled today when Cooper and his parents chose him!!

The next man came looking for a calm little girl and I’m sure you all know by now that we don’t have a lot of calm little girls. For comparison, we did introduce him to a couple of girls, but he realized pretty quickly that one of our boys would probably be a better fit for him. All the boys did their best to “strut their stuff”, but the boy that did the best was one of the sweetest dogs we have — a gorgeous, affectionate, brindle boy named David!

There’s a saying that “a girl’s best friend is her dad” and, if that saying is true, one of our girls just met her best friend. This man has been doing turnout for about a year in preparation for adopting his first Greyhound so he has had a lot of opportunity to get to know the dogs and what they are all about. Since he has had the chance to meet the dogs at turnout, our jobs were pretty easy — we just had to guide and advise. He chose a darling little black girl named Centex and he happily changed her name to Iida which is pronounced Eda and means “mysterious” in Finnish!!