Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Next, a family brought their two dogs, a golden retriever (named Winston) and a terrier mix (named Basil), to meet some Greyhounds. Basil is pretty small so we weren’t sure about how our dogs were going to react to her, but we had recently shown a few dogs that seemed to roll with the punches pretty well so we decided that would be a good place to start. We were so proud of our dogs … they did exactly what we wanted them to do … ignore Basil!! Really, any one of those dogs could have been a good match, but, when the little red fawn came out, she totally stole the show. She immediately went up to the son with her tail continuously wagging and tried to kiss him through her muzzle and his mask. Nobody could resist that so Homie just had to be the one they took home. –

The last couple recently lost their beloved hound and, although it has taken them some time to heal from that loss, they were finally ready to have that wonderful Greyhound energy in their home again. Because of work commitments, one of the men was in charge of screening the dogs and narrowing the list down to a reasonable number (BTW, he did an excellent job) but then the really hard part came where he had to narrow it down to one. After some deliberation and, I’m sure a lot of discussion, he let me know that Bandit, nka Marceau, was going to be their new family member!! –

The first family fell in love with a dog that they saw on the last arrival video and they could not stop thinking about him. Even though they already had 3 dogs, they really believed this dog belonged with them and they were willing to do whatever they could to have this boy be part of their family. The first introduction to one of their dogs did not go particularly well so we all thought it was best to not proceed. But, they went home and slept on it and the whole family, including the two daughters, decided they wanted to commit to making this happen and THEY DID!!! So, our exuberant puppy, Richard (nka Moose) has officially joined their family! (No family photo at this time)

About 3 years ago a man came to us and adopted a handsome black Greyhound named Nubie. At the time, he had a Husky, but that dog recently passed away and he has noticed that Nubie has become more withdrawn and seemed sad. So, what else could he do but get another Greyhound?!! Since he needed a dog that would also get along with his cat, we had a limited number of dogs to show him but those dogs were knockouts. Both girls did their best to showcase themselves, but it was one of our latest additions that won the battle for a new home. Willa is a young, blue brindle girl who is a little shy at first but can really turn on the affection when she warms up — who could resist that?

Who knows the dogs better than the employees? And, I think this is the first time that two of our employees decided to adopt on the same day!!
The first employee has been with us quite a while and was adopting her second Greyhound. She not only needed a dog that would get along with her Greyhound, but it also needed to get along with her chihuahua and her cat which is not an easy thing to find. But, she has been keeping her eyes open while she was working and she recently scoped out a pretty brood mom named Maddie who just happened to meet all the criteria!! (Sorry, no family photo at this time)

The next employee has only been with us for a few months and, while she already had the Greyhound bug when she came to us, it has progressively gotten worse. When she met one of our recent arrivals, she decided that it was time to take action. She needed a dog that gets along with cats and there was one dog that she fell in love with almost immediately. Since there were others interested in the same dog, she hurried up and got her home visit so that she could be the first one in line. It all paid off when she got to take her new addition home after her shift. She and Cinny already had quite a connection and it seemed to improve even more when Cinny got to see her new mother without her mask for the first time!!.

The first man got caught in the COVID mess, but now that things have eased a little, he was able to get everything finalized and go forward. This dog is his first so we were looking for one of our mellower, easy going dogs and we had a few that we thought would fit. We showed him boys and girls and quickly realized that the girls that were available at that time were a little too much (ok – WAY too much!!) for a first timer!! But, we had 2 boys (these boys look like they could actually be twins!!) who were calm and sweet and did not seem to be overly reactive to anything (just what we wanted!). Either dog would have been an excellent choice, but he could only have one and he chose Tobias (nka Toby)!

The next man moved pretty quickly — it was only a few days from his application submission to his adoption appointment. He most recently had a Husky/Border Collie combination so we thought he would be able to handle almost any of our dogs (including some of our extremely active residents) so he got to see a wide range of possible adoptees. Somehow, it always seems that the ones who could take on the more energetically challenging dogs gravitate toward the easier dogs. And, that’s just what happened — this man fell for our sweet little black girl, Jodi!!

Sometimes you get a dog and, sadly, it just isn’t the right dog for you. It’s a really hard decision to bring the dog back to us, but, it is the best thing to do for you and the dog. This couple had that experience and, thankfully, they took a little time to regroup and came back to find a dog that will fit them better. We all learned a lot about the people and the characteristics in a dog that would fit their situation best so we could fine tune our search. One of the characteristics that was most important to this
couple was that the dog be affectionate and want attention from them. Even though Greyhounds have a reputation for being kind of aloof, we were able to come up with a greyt list of dogs who are attentive and affectionate for them to see. They all did a greyt job of schmoozing, but, as usually happens, one just did a little better than the rest — our handsome, brindle and white boy, Gobi!!

Lately it seems we have had a lot of people who were joining the Greyhound fan club for the first time and this couple was all ready to sign up! While they spent time with a variety of dogs, there really was no competition. One of our little fawn girls wiggled and schmoozed and, I don’t know if she actually gave one of her famous body hugs, but we sure told them about it. She has won the hearts of our volunteers and our staff and now this couple — Robin really made it impossible for them to choose any other dog!