Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This adoption was to a couple and their roommate who just graduated from college in Montreal and moved back to Seattle a month ago. It didn’t take them long to decide that they needed a dog in their lives and they were ready to adopt right away — in fact, they had their home visit the night before and less than 24 hours later, they headed home with their new addition. They only looked at two dogs and it was immediately obvious that one of them won their hearts in a very short time. They took the dog outside for a while and it was so much fun to see this dog play with the young roommates — they were all having such a wonderful time and we were having a ball watching them. When they came in to tell us they were going to take this dog home, it was kind of bittersweet because this dog had been through a lot and when he came to use a few weeks ago, he almost instantly became a kennel favorite. This boy came from the UAE and spent three years in a shelter before he came to us. None of us can understand why he wasn’t adopted there, but we all knew Habibi would find a wonderful home in the US and that happened yesterday!!!

If you are thinking of adopting, doing turnout is always a good way to preview the dogs before your appointment. The man who adopted this dog had done just that and he came with a list of dogs that he wanted to get to know better and, of course, after we listened to him describe his lifestyle, we added a couple of dogs that just became available to his list. Usually, after the adopter meets the dogs for the first time, they narrow the list down a bit and then spend some time outside with a few dogs. This man had trouble narrowing the list down so he spent extra time with almost all the dogs. Thankfully, one of the dogs made wonderful use of his time in the yard (he actually made very good use of his first visit with the man, it just took a little time for the man to realize it!) so Pooch was on his way home with his new dad!!

Last week, this couple came to the kennel booth to preview the dogs because they were scheduled for a home visit in a couple of days and they knew they would be getting their dog soon. Thereafter. While they were on their tour, one particular dog caught their eye and after spending time with her outside, they decided she was the one they wanted. The dog they chose is a completely different dog than the one that arrived around 6 months ago because of all the work and time that the employees and volunteers have spent teaching her manners. You should have seen her standing quietly in the adoption center during the whole process!! On behalf of Sage, nka Jasper, all I can do is say thank you to those people … you made it possible for this to happen!!

It is so much fun to see someone who has wanted a dog for most of their life walk out of the door with their new friend and that’s what happened today! This lady just recently moved here from Indiana and now that she is free from other restrictions, she couldn’t wait to get her dog. While we were showing dogs the first time, one of them went over to her to give kisses and while he was doing that she was giggling like a little girl. We were pretty sure that McKinley was obvious enough about his choice that she would take him home and, of course, she did!!