Join us here as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This lady has one of our gorgeous Irish dogs, Floyd, and almost ever since she got him, she has wanted a buddy for him. Unfortunately, Floyd wasn’t particularly interested in having a buddy and he let his mom know how he felt. She periodically introduced him to potential pals with no luck, but she didn’t give up. A few weeks ago she was doing turnout and she met and fell in love with a beautiful 9 year old black girl that had just been returned. We all crossed our fingers when we introduced her to Floyd and, amazingly, Floyd thought that Gigi was pretty cool — Success!!!! Gigi (right) with her new mom, Susan, and fur brother Floyd.

The man that came to the kennel recently lost his lab and has been feeling kind of lost without him because that dog was his best friend and did everything with him. He was looking for another best friend and we all know that finding a new best friend is not an easy job. He met a few of our dogs and I think he knew the minute he met this dog that it was the one for him. But, he took a little time to talk to his family and think things through and they all unanimously said that this cute & very smart girl from Dubai would be the perfect best friend for him. Melina not only agreed, but I think she knew he would be her best friend too — who could ask for more?

This husband and wife have been waiting a long time for this boy to arrive and have been following him ever since he was rescued in South Korea. This boy has worked his way through a number of health issues and managed to overcome them. And who can resist this darling hugger and kisser who is destined to be a therapy dog. Canele is very loved in his new home.
Honey and Rocket

We recently had two lovely ladies that came back to us because they were not particularly enjoying living with 18 month old twins. Our hope was that they would be able to go to their next home together and, thankfully, two men who have had many of our dogs saw the girls in pictures from the Brightwater walk (and, of course, they were immediately smitten)! Even though they already had one dog and had been looking for another for a while, they were a little nervous about the idea of adding two dogs to their household, but they really wanted to meet the girls to see if they would get along with their current dog, Ruby (fka Inez). They fit in just beautifully and we are so thankful that Honey & Rocket (nka Roxie) found a greyt new home and that they were able to stay together!!