Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

The next family had a very sad reason for needing to get a Greyhound — one of their recent dogs dropped dead on a walk. That left the whole family in a mess, but the one that took the loss the hardest was their 12 year old Greyhound, Josie. Josie and the other dog had been inseparable for about 8 years so it was no wonder why she was sad and in need of a new sister/brother. We only showed a couple of dogs, but that was enough and even at that, it still took a while to figure out which one would be best for them. In the end, they listened to Josie and she picked Gambit!

Then came a couple that has had Greyhounds in the past and lost their most recent one last October. They have had young, active hounds in the past and they were ready to take on another one that needed training. We just happened to have one or two of those and we couldn’t wait to show them off. Every one of them showed their true colors and the couple decided that Simba, our blue eye/brown eye boy from South Korea and Team Inch, was the one for them!! –

The next couple wanted a dog that could keep up with their active lifestyle and we had the perfect one for them! This girl is very bouncy, but at the same time, she is sweet, cuddly and just darling. They realized immediately what a wonderful girl she is and decided that Lulu was the one for them — I hope the wife doesn’t get jealous because Lulu had already bonded with the husband before they even walked out of the adoption center! –

This lady was in the right place at the right time. A couple of days ago I told her that we didn’t have a dog that would be a good fit for her, and then, we had a dog come back to us that seemed like she would fit right in. All it took was a short introduction and both mother & dog seemed ready to start their time together — it seems that both Queenie, nka Gypsy, and the lady were at the right place at the right time!!

First, a couple of months ago, we asked a couple to foster one of our really shy boys because they had his sister and we were hoping that being with her in addition to being in a home might help him come out of his shell. In that time, he has blossomed because of their patience and love. Of course, we were hoping they would adopt him and this was the day. Kaine, nka Paul, is now officially a part of the family that includes his sister Kayko, nka Penny — HooooRay!!!