Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This is almost getting ridiculous (and we LOVE it) … another dog just headed to Canada!! The couple that adopted this dog came down more than a week before to meet the dogs and they met a sweet little, black girl that won their hearts. Although it is so hard to do, the couple needed to leave her with us because she still needed to be spayed. Bless their hearts, they patiently waited over a week, but today she was ready to go home and Gail, nka Tempest, headed north to her new home.

The next lady has been through a lot in the last few months, she lost her dog and has had some health problems of her own, so she was chomping at the bit to get her new furry friend. We introduced her to a variety of dogs and while she thought she wanted a little black female, she ended up taking a big, black and white boy home. This boy was immediately “tuned in” to this woman and it was interesting to see how they both seemed to understand they were meant to be together — that Junior is a very smart, loving boy!!

It’s hard to imagine what the next step is after you get married and have a honeymoon in Europe but this couple knew exactly what to do … get a Greyhound!! And, they didn’t waste any time between the honeymoon and getting the dog. BTW, they also have a cat and, luckily, they got to meet and choose between a few wonderful dogs. As we probably should have expected, they were each leaning towards a different dog. That’s when things got interesting … we have seen all kinds of negotiations in our adoption center, but, I have to admit it was kind of fun to watch the newlyweds negotiate with each other and we were guessing who would get the dog of their choice. Suffice it to say “happy wife, happy life” was the final thought of the day and that is how White, nka Juno, found herself on her way to her new home. –

One of our former residents, a FIG – Flying Irish Greyhounds named Shane, was in need of a playmate so his dads brought him in to pick his new friend. The problem was that Shane is such a sweetheart and so easy going that he got along with all the dogs he met. That meant his dads had to do the hard work and make the final decision. They somehow reduced their list to two dogs and after spending time in the yard, taking a walk and much deliberation, they decided that the best fit for all of them was Whiskey!!