
GPI has an unbelievable group of people that support it and whenever we are in need of something, all we need to do is put it out to our supporters and they come through for us. In this particular situation, we had a dog that was losing his eyesight and needed a family that had another dog and was willing to help and support him through the years to come. We were so fortunate that a family stepped forward and they had everything he needed and that we wanted for him. He clicked almost instantly with his parents and his brother to be, Obie. It was especially evident when he started to follow Obie around as soon as they were off leash out in the yard. He has been in a foster-to-adopt situation for a while so we could all make sure that was the best place for him. Thankfully, it is and Ford, nka Wallace/Wally, officially has his new home and we are all so thrilled for him!!!

Next a family came looking for a companion for their mother and we knew almost immediately that we had the perfect dog for her. This dog had just come back because she just didn’t fit in where she was. She was in need of a place where she could be the special dog and didn’t have to share attention with anyone else. Well, she found it!! This family fell for her immediately and she is the center of their universe. Hooray for Tula!!