Join us here as our Adoption Representatives share stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Evee (L) with new parents, Daniel & Michelle with new puppy sister Roxy.
These adopters came up from Portland with one little girl in mind. They have had several Italian Greyhounds over the last 18 years, and also fostered a dozen of them for another group. So when they saw we had an IG come in they had to meet her. Evee was immediately smitten with her new mom & dad and climbed all over them for a closer inspection and some kisses. The only thing left was to introduce her to her new puppy sister Roxy who is an IG/Chihuahua mix. They did great together, and then packed up and headed right back to Oregon! – Mike Forrest

Aurora with new Dad, Reese.
This adopter is a very experienced dog owner, but has not had a greyhound before. He grew up with a sled team of Huskies and had an English Bulldog that he lost last year. We introduced a few of our mixes, and one in particular put on a great show immediately requesting belly rubs. She sealed the deal in the yard playing ball and getting even more belly rubs. And as soon as we got back into the adoption center, she jumped into his lap on the couch and didn’t want to move. We’re all very happy for Aurora, who came to us from South Korea via Team Inch! – Mike Forrest

May nka Emily and Wonder.
This adoption was to a family of long-time greyhound owners and GPI volunteers. Last year they adopted a gentle boy named Wonder from Australia, and he was missing his sister May who passed away recently. We introduced Wonder and his people to a couple of Irish greyhounds and another Australian one. All of the hounds got along great so it was up to mom & dad to decide. They went with an Irish girl who was coincidentally also named May, but who will now be known as Emily! – Mike Forrest

Lady nka Nala with new family, Stacy, Serenity, Noah & Jeremy.
A family came in with their 10 and 5 year old kids. They previously had Italian Greyhounds, but today were looking for a larger model. Well it just so happens that a big girl – her paperwork described her as “extremely well built” – came into our care from Ireland recently. Her write-up also included “relaxed” and “kind natured” and those attributes showed through as she was happy to meet everybody and did really well with the kids. So our 78lb girl Lady, now known as Nala, was an easy choice for them! – Mike Forrest
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