Join us here as our Adoption Representatives share stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Ernie nka Reny with new family, David, Zander & Michelle with Baylee, dog on couch.
These adopters are a family with a teenage son and a 15-year-old terrier mix named Baylee. They were looking for an active, playful family dog that could also get along with Baylee who isn’t that interested in other dogs and mainly just wants to do her own thing. We have a few dogs that could fit the bill and introduced all of them, but most were a little too much for Baylee. The last dog on our list however decided he wasn’t interested in Baylee at all and was much more excited to play with his new human companions. And after some good play time in the yard they brought Ernie, now Reny, home with them! – Mike Forrest

Angel with new mom, Bev and brother Silus.
This adoption was to a long-time GPI volunteer and greyhound parent who fell in love with this senior girl while doing turnout and Brightwater walks. The only question was how she’d get along with her other greyhound Silus, and fortunately it’s been going great! So today they made it official and Angel has a new family just in time for the holidays! – Mike Forrest

Zeus with new parents, Emiliano & Marion.
This recent adoption is unusual in that the adopters did not meet the dog at our kennel. Instead his new mom is one of the vets who helped treat this boy when he arrived from South Korea via Team Inch. As soon as his treatments were done we double-checked to make sure he was ok having a couple of cats as housemates, and he’s doing great! So today Zeus officially became part of their family! – Mike Forrest

Gracie (brindle) with new parents Grant & Ally, daughter Ava and Zelda.
This adoption is to a family that has adopted a couple of our greyhounds before, currently with 10-year-old Zelda. The twist is that they now have a three-year-old daughter so we had to make sure we found a dog that will be comfortable with her. Fortunately, we had a few in the kennel to introduce and they all got along well! The lucky girl they’re adopting is a 3 1/2 year old brindle who raced in West Virginia: Gracie! – Mike Forrest
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