Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

We often tell people that the dog picks their new owner which is true, but, they often give very subtle signs so people don’t always know they’ve been picked. Well this boy made it so obvious — it was so much fun!! With every other potential owner, he has been aloof and gave every indication that he would rather be in his run than to spend time with them. This time, he came out and literally took one look at the lady and started whimpering as he tried to hurry toward her. We were pretty dumbfounded!! The lady actually thought she was considering two other dogs, but we knew that Eli, nka Charlie, had made his selection and it was a done deal!

Lately, we have placed a few of our dogs that have been with us for a while and we were happy to do it again today. One of our previous placements, Tiger, recently lost his best friend and he needed another buddy so his parents brought him in to “interview” possible additions to the family. He met quite a few potential brothers/sisters, but the one he seemed to connect with the best was a big black boy — maybe he liked this guy best because he looks just like himself who also happens to be black. Whatever the reason, luckily, his parents totally agreed with his selection and they headed home with Camper who is now known as Campagnola (Campy, for short)!