Join us here as our Adoption Representatives share stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

Edie with new Dad & Mom Rich & Nancy & Strider, the German Shepherd.
These adopters came in looking for a companion for themselves and their 12-year-old German Shepherd named Strider. They previously had a greyhound and came to us for another. The girl they chose had been returned to us because of a bad case of separation anxiety, but that hopefully won’t be an issue now since her new mom & dad both work from home and like to take the dogs RV’ing. Plus she will now have a new BIG brother to keep her company (see photo!) Congratulations to Edie and her new family! – Mike Forrest

Kale with her new mom & dad, Karen & Steven.
These recent adopters have adopted four greyhounds from GPI over the past several decades but did not have any currently. They are both retired now and looking for a new greyhound companion. As previous greyhound owners they had a pretty good idea of what they were looking for so we were able to narrow the list down. The dog that chose them put on a great show when she came out to meet them – now our sweet Australian girl Kale has a new home! – Mike Forrest

Tully with Boo (dog), Joey, Mom Denise, Elena & Dad Tony.
This family are also long-time greyhound owners, having had six over the years. Their current girl Boo who they’ve had for about four years seemed a little lonely after they lost their other girl Cali, so they came in looking for a new family member and companion. We introduced them to several of our greyhounds, and I think Boo was a little worn out by the process! But fortunately, she got along great with our big boy and champion leaner from Australia: Tully! – Mike Forrest

Domino with new Mom & Dad, Mary & Bob.
These adopters have had four of our greyhounds, with their last one passing away at age 13 a couple of months ago. We talked over a lot of the options for dogs we have right now and introduced them to a couple that sounded promising. One big boy really caught their eye and made a great first impression, so after some quality time with him in the yard they decided to make it official and adopt our handsome 80lb puppy Domino! – Mike Forrest
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