Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

One of the fun parts of this job is meeting all the people who are coming to get their dogs. Today, the lady was so excited — she was like a little kid on Christmas morning!! I think her partner was excited too, but it was kinda hard to tell given that he was sitting next to her and trying to be the calmer presence. They were looking for a boy and that gave us a chance to show some boys who have not gotten a lot of exposure before for a variety of reasons. Every one of them did such a greyt job — their enthusiasm was catching and we all had fun watching them strut their stuff. We almost always have to narrow it down to one and I know this couple had a hard time choosing but, they were drawn to Doc almost immediately and he is the one they took home! His new name is Gandalf the Greyhound and they are going to call him “Gandalf” for short.

The first man who adopted a dog took advantage of being able to go on the Brightwater Walks. He was able to meet some of the dogs and he got to walk the dog he adopted on a couple of the walks. These walks are a greyt way to see the dog in some different situations and get some idea of how the dog is around other breeds of dogs and also get an idea of how well the dog walks on a leash. Obviously, this man saw things he liked in Butter, nka Tally, because that is the dog he adopted.

The next couple is going to have so much FUN with their new furry friend!! This couple is very active and they wanted a dog that would fit their lifestyle and be able to keep up with them. We showed them a few dogs, but there was absolutely no way that any of them could out do this little girl. When she came out to meet the people, she was hopping and jumping and then within less than a minute, she had shown them how nicely she sits and lies down. And, when she rolled over for her belly rub and smiled through the whole thing, I think we were all ready to take her home!!! This girl had a hard life in South Korea, being crated for 2 years, but in spite of that, she is a happy girl who loves people and people just can’t help loving her back. Her name is Libby, which is short for Liberation (from the crate), and this couple couldn’t have been smiling any wider than they were when they walked out the door with her!! –

The first man that came to meet dogs just moved here in November and he is ready for a furry companion now that he is settled on dry land (he works for the cruise industry and has been at sea for many years). He definitely had some sweet dogs to pick from and the smartest one certainly made no secret of the fact that he was the one that should be selected. All the dogs were very attentive, but this guy came out to the adoption center giving kisses and leaning and snuggling with the man. He was just irresistible and he couldn’t wait to get out of the door with his new dad. Backer can thank his dad’s New Zealand background and love of rugby for his new name — Beauden who is a famous rugby player.

The next lady had seen a wonderful dog on our website and she just knew that he was the one for her. Amazingly, he absolutely felt the same way! He was immediately affectionate and gentle — it was like they had known each other before. This guy has really hit paydirt here — he has a beautiful, huge back yard to romp in and he gets to go to work with his new mom every day. For those of you who know Marchet, you’ll probably remember that she called placements like that “greyhound heaven on earth”. I think Baxter would totally agree with her!!

The first couple has fostered quite a few dogs for us through the years, but they weren’t in a position to adopt at that time. That all changed when they bought a house and got married so they started seriously looking to adopt one of our hounds. They had tried two different dogs one had separation anxiety and the other was so afraid of the stairs at night that he had to be carried up and down them. The third time was really the charm for them … they found a wonderful guy who is happy & funny and doesn’t have the issues the other dogs had. So, thankfully, JD now has his official new family!!
Reno and Sapphire

The next family came to us knowing that they wanted to adopt two dogs. It usually takes a little time for a family to pick the first dog they want to adopt, but, in this case, the first dog that came out glued himself to the man and it was almost impossible to separate them. Obviously, that was going to be one of the adoptees so all that was left to do was to find him a buddy. Unbelievably, that was just as easy as finding the first one. So, in a very short amount of time, Reno (nka Loki) & Sapphire (nka Freya) had a new family.

Last, but not least, a couple brought their older lab, Molly, to find a companion. Molly couldn’t have been any mellower so she made it easy for the Greyhounds to meet her and get to know her. The couple preferred to have a female and both of the available females we showed them got along very well with the couple and Molly. It was a hard choice, but they decided that Dakota would be the best fit for them.