Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.
Crush with her new parents, David and Margaret
When this couple adopted a dog today, it was the 12th Greyhound and 15th dog in total that they have welcomed in to their home. They really believe that “if you can see the floor, there is room for more”, but, I have to believe that they are having to look through a magnifying glass to find some room on that floor now. They have a history of helping dogs with special needs and the one they adopted today is no exception. This beautiful little girl needs eye drops very frequently during the day and night and this couple happily said good bye to a full night’s sleep! They were so excited to adopt Crush, you would have thought she was their first dog when she is actually going to join a pack of at least 5 dogs (I think — excuse me if I got that wrong, math was never my best subject).
Resolve (left), nka Bear, with his new family … Adelle, Debbie & Fiona
The boy who was adopted has had a lot of ups and downs in his life starting with a doggie train wreck at the track that ended his career. He has been in a couple of homes that didn’t work out for a variety of reasons, but he found a wonderful couple who fostered him and have given him the unconditional love he has needed so badly. I think that some of us knew he belonged with them from the minute they met, but sometimes it takes a little time for the foster parents to know it. I know I am not the only one who has been praying for the day that he would officially become part of the family. Well, this is the day!!! Resolve, nka Bear, has a wonderful family and sister that love and understand him. Who could ask for more??