Join us here as our Adoption Representatives share stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

These adopters include one of our kennel employees, and they have had several of our dogs. They have a shy greyhound named Candy so they were looking for another dog that could get along with that sort of personality. The one that they chose (or that chose them) is also on the shy side and gets along great with the rest of the family. So today they made it official and adopted our Irish boy Cooper! – Mike Forrest

The next adopter has two cats and a 10-year-old terrier named Edie, so our options for a greyhound match were pretty limited. The first boy we introduced was a little too much for Edie to handle so he took himself out of the running. Fortunately our other cat-trainable greyhound did a much better job of introducing herself. She greeted Edie politely and pretty quickly turned her focus onto her new mom. She must have made a good impression because Elsie and company were soon loaded up and on their way to her new home! – Mike Forrest

These adopters have had several greyhounds, and came in to find a new friend for their white & brindle boy Rod. His previous buddy was a girl from Australia who sadly passed a few months back. We just happen to have a couple of Australian girls of our own, and Rod got along with both of them. So it was up to the couple to decide who to bring home. They picked the one that gives great hugs, whether you’re ready for them or not: Jane! – Mike Forrest

Anyone who has been to the kennel knows our miracle boy Aladdin. He has survived traps, malnutrition, heartworm treatments, a multitude of medical treatments and surgeries, including removal of a lung lobe, paw treatments, a leg amputation, and bloat surgery. Aladdin has handled all of these with such grace, gentleness and sweetness. He now has his forever home!! Go Aladdin!! (nka Sam) We couldn’t be happier for you! – Moira Corrigan

These adopters lost their Italian Greyhound girl in November and were looking for a new small companion for their 5 year old greyhound Skubi. It’s very rare for us to get any IGs in, but we do have a few whippet mixes. The one they came to meet arrived at GPI from Hawaii back in May and has been waiting for his people ever since. But he doesn’t help his own cause because his usual reaction to meeting new people is to bark loudly at them. He did a great job today though, immediately making friends with Skubi and politely introducing himself to the rest of the family. And then after spending some time getting to know each other, Sven & company headed off to his new home! – Mike Forrest

A couple came in from eastern Washington looking for a greyhound to add to their family, and we were happy to oblige. They have had a greyhound before, a boy named Orzo, who passed away last year. They got to meet several of our dogs who all did a great job of showing off their personalities, but they ended up going home with the one that originally caught their eye on our web site: Babes! – Mike Forrest