Join us here as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

These men have already had a couple of our dogs and lost their last one a while ago. It took some time for them to get ready for another dog but the time had come for a new family member. They have a history of adopting some of our dogs that aren’t quite as easily adoptable (they aren’t bad — some have health issues, behavior idiosyncrasies & things like that). This time they fell for one of our very striking dogs (white and blue) from South Korea who has more energy and oomph than four of our racing Greyhounds put together!! That didn’t phase these men at all. Amazingly, when he left the kennel, he practically turned into a pussycat. Obviously, Colt found the perfect home for himself!

This man has been looking for a smaller dog and, since we have been getting smaller ones from Hawaii, he has been keeping an eye on our website for potential adoption possibilities. When this little girl showed up on the web, he hopped right on it. He got his home visit done and made an appointment to come meet her as fast as he could. This girl was pretty shy so it took her a little while to warm up to him, but, when she did, you could tell that the meeting was the start of something good. After the meeting, the only thing left to do was for him to take Pippa home!

Both of the dogs that were just adopted came to us from Ireland and they both did well in our cat testing. Bravo!! The First Lady needed a new friend for her 10 year old black Greyhound and she came to meet one specific dog. This particular dog has been pretty shy and our hopes were that she would find a home with another dog and an experienced owner. We were very lucky — that describes her new family to a “T” and her new mom felt Cathy was as good a fit for them as they were for her!! (Sorry, no family photo)

The second family had wanted a Greyhound for an extremely long time and it finally seemed that all the things that were standing in their way were gone. Last year, we had 3 puppies from Mexico (Ace, Clover & Little Bit) and it turned out that this family has their mother, Chanel, who was needing a companion. The daughter was very excited to meet one specific dog that she was already in love with. Sensibly, her parents wanted to see a couple of more dogs before they made their decision, but in the end, they chose the same one their daughter had picked — Woolie who is now known as Themoc which is the name of an Aztec god.