Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

So many Greyhound families have lost one of their precious dogs to bone cancer and these ladies just joined that group when they lost their girl Ivy on Saturday. They knew that their remaining Grey named Finnegan (fka Cosmo) would not do well as an only dog and they were prepared to act pretty quickly to get another dog. They also have a cat which obviously affected the dogs that would fit in their home. Even though our list of cat trainable dogs is quickly being depleted, but there were still a few cuties for the ladies to see. Finnegan loves everybody so he was not much help in the selection process, but, the ladies were prepared to jump in and help and they all decided that Cleo was the one!!

Although all of our adoptions are special, this one is just a little more special. This guy is about as sweet as he can be but he is big & strong & had absolutely no manners when he came to us so it was pretty hard to see what this guy was really like!! But our wonderful team of employees and volunteers set to work to give him some of the basic behavior training so that potential adopters could see the diamond in the rough! The work paid off and when his special family found their way to him, he was ready and waiting. I think they fell in love with him before they met him, but the deal was sealed at first sight and cemented by the first meeting. When he came out into the adoption center, he was on his best behavior and showered these people with kisses and showed all of his tricks. There was absolutely no way they could resist BT who
will now be known as Rudy!!

This family came to the kennel fully intending to get one specific dog. They have a female 3 or 4 year old Deerhound and a 9 year old male Greyhound that needed to be able to get along with the dog they wanted. Usually, I worry about whether or not the current dogs will like the new dog, but, in this case, the parents were so sure it was going to be fine, I really didn’t have much doubt that it would work out. I didn’t mention that the dog they were interested in just happens to be an 8 month old puppy that acts just like you would expect him to act — bouncy, happy, knows no boundaries, every thing is FUN — you know what puppies are like! None of those characteristics phased the parents or the dogs so Tyrion (who is from South Korea & just happens to be cute as a button!) has found his new home and I am guessing that is going to be one busy household as everybody gets adjusted!!