Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This dog is such an excellent schmoozer that this poor couple had no idea what hit them. First, I will say that the couple did see other dogs, BUT, after the performance this dog gave, they never had a chance!! She came out to the adoption acting so sweetly, and so focused on the couple that I’m sure they believed she thought they were the only people in the world (I sure believed it!!). She cuddled, nuzzled, almost sat on their laps, gave sweet little kisses — I don’t know very many people who could or would even want to resist this “attack”. So, Miss Birdie, who will now be called Holly, got her Christmas present early and it was exactly what she wanted — a home!
Cali & Boo

Every adoption appointment seems to have some kind of a surprise for us and this one was no different. A couple brought in their 12 year old grey named Reggie that they got at Dairyland when they lived in Indiana. Reggie was in need of a playmate and she got to pick out exactly who she wanted with a little help from the couple. She met quite a few dogs and selected a few she would like to get to know better. But, after spending more time with the dogs, there was one snafu — she just couldn’t decide between two girls. No problem, her parents decided to take home both girls, Cali & Boo!!

So many times, the reason someone wants to get another Grey is because they have lost a dog and their remaining dog needs a new companion. That is just what happened with this lady. Her dog, Chase, definitely needed a new friend and he wanted that friend to be a female. His previous companion was in charge of the house, and it didn’t take us long to find a new friend for him that was more than willing to take over his former buddy’s role. This particular girl is a brood mom so she is used to being in charge of things and it seemed as though Chase immediately understood she was the one for him — he kept seeking her out when she moved away from him & stood next to her as much as possible — they just seemed to have an instant connection. So, Amiga, nka Miga, headed home to resume the role she had played so well in the past — mother!

Next, this mixed couple (she loves dogs, he loves cats) has been trying to deal with their differences — luckily, from the wife’s point of view, she is allergic to cats so there wasn’t a lot of doubt about what type of pet they would be getting. Since they figured out that part a few years ago, they have been planning to get a Greyhound— they had researched the breed and carefully prepared themselves and their home for the addition of a Greyhound. The time had finally come for them to put all their plans in action and they were all ready to meet dogs and find a male Greyhound to join their family. As we all know, it is fairly easy to narrow the list of dogs that you meet down to a reasonable number, but when it comes down to the final 2 dogs, it is very difficult to choose one. This couple struggled with the final decision but ultimately decided that Chevy was going home to Canada with them (you can probably guess who made the final decision — you know the saying “happy wife, happy life”)!!