Join us here each Monday as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

This couple has had quite an experience lately .. they moved out here from Chicago early in the year … one of them had hardly had a chance to get to know her new coworkers and the other hadn’t had much time to get himself set up in his home office before the the quarantine started. They were missing the pets they had with their families and were ready to get a pet of their own. They didn’t particularly care if their new family member was a boy or a girl so they got to meet a nice variety of dogs. They narrowed it down to a boy and a girl and struggled a little with their decision but the sweet black girl, Amy, was just too precious to ignore and she made sure they knew it!!!

Sometimes I think that these dogs have some kind of ESP or something like that. This couple came to meet dogs and one of the first things that the lady said, before they even met any dogs, was that all the dogs would love her partner. She certainly got that right … they all came out and immediately went to him! They eventually got around to her, but I’m sure she wanted to be first some of the time!! The dog that they took home gave equal attention to both people and made them both feel important! Maybe he had the adoption center bugged, but however he knew what to do, Hammer easily won this lady’s heart and a new home!!

The next lady had a really hard time making a decision. And, it is no wonder … the two dogs she was deciding between were almost exactly the same age (born within about 7 days of each other), had similar race records, similar personalities and about the only differences were that one was fawn and one was white with red ticking. Sometimes it is hard to make the decision when you are analyzing things too much and when she realized what she was doing and let her emotions into the process, she realized that one of the dogs had been subtly letting her know that he was picking her — Lincoln!

The next dog to be adopted came from Team Inch in South Korea and has been with us for a while. This dog loves to play (and play hard!!) and we knew that we needed to find a home that had a dog that could keep up with her. Well, we found it!! Two men came in with a year old Doberman mix puppy named Hummus and we hoped they would hit it off!!! Those two dogs had the most wonderful time playing and all of us knew that we had a match. The most wonderful part is that these two dogs absolutely wore each other out!! While we were in the Adoption center getting the paperwork finalized, our dog was completely passed out on the floor in front of the desk!! For those of you who know Aila, nka Seoul, you know what an amazing thing this is and I’m sure her new dads were looking forward to watching the dogs play and enjoying the quiet time while the dogs rested up for their next playtime!!