Rainbow Bridge Memorial

Blaze "T's Blaze Episod"

"T's Blaze Episod"
August 20, 2013 - July 1, 2024

Dearly missed by Delaney Cline & Danny Hunt

I wanted to reach out to let you know that we had to say goodbye to Blaze this afternoon. Thank you SO much for giving us the opportunity to have him become part of our family. He would’ve turned 11 in August and sadly had some health issues this past year, culminating in a rapid decline of unknown cause.

More importantly, he was the best thing that happened to us. He lit up a room as he demanded attention from every human possible, although it didn’t take much work. Everyone he met fell in love instantly too. Last year he moved with us from Puyallup to Pittsburgh and adjusted easily. He even made a few greyhound friends in our apartment building.

Blaze gave us the best final 24 hours possible. Although he was clearly resigned at the end, he ran into friends on his final walk and surprised us with his energy and playfulness as he played with them in our dog run. I don’t know how he knew, but it was exactly what we needed. He slept so peacefully last night snuggled up with us. This morning, he devoured a perfectly cooked steak and basked in the sun at the park in his final hours (first picture is from today).

Blaze converted us into lifelong greyhound fans and I’m sure at least one more will be in our future once we’re settled into life without him. Thank you to GPI for y’all’s part in it. It means more than we ever could’ve expected when we adopted Blaze in 2018.