Join us here as Regional Vice President Kathy Kreyling shares stories from the Adoption Center. Check out our Available Dogs to see who’s still waiting for their forever home.

When this lady makes up her mind that she is going to do something, I think it is best to stand back and watch her in action. She recently came to the kennel to meet a couple of dogs and was so enamored that she went straight home and recruited friends and neighbors to help finish her fence and, shortly after that, she was scheduling an appointment to adopt. She was originally interested in two of our puppies but when she got to see them in action, she realized that they were a little (maybe a lot!) more active than she was prepared for. She had also noticed one of our sweet girls so we introduced her to that dog and she turned out to be much more mellow (and a much better schmoozer) than the puppies. They connected pretty quickly and it didn’t take long before Pippa was on her way home with her new mom.

This family with twin daughters found a couple of dogs that they were very interested in on-line a few weeks ago and came to meet them, but, since the parents needed to take care of some fencing they weren’t able to take the dogs home at that time. Since they met the dogs, the girls have planned out their adoption and training plans in great detail, shopped for treats, toys & clothes and, most probably driven their parents absolutely crazy wanting to know when they were going to get their puppies. At long last, everything was ready and they could nPippaot wait to come pick up their new“bffs”. Watching the girls with their dogs was a real treat for all of us and while our cute puppies from Hawaii, Crisper & Chrissy, are quite shy, it was pretty obvious that it won’t be long before they come out of their shells with all the love and attention they are going to get. (Unfortunately, only Crisper could be adopted today because Chrissy needs two surgeries on her leg and she can’t be adopted until she’s all healed. But, while we very rarely put dogs in foster homes, we thought it was really important that the two puppies stay together, so Chrissy will be in her new home as a foster-to-adopt and be officially adopted later.)

The next family was looking for a smaller dog that would cuddle with them and, as most of us know, Greyhounds aren’t particularly interested in being cuddled so we thought that one of our mixes might be a good fit. But, as cuddly as our mixes are, they are also young and very energetic!! So, our job was to find the calmest of our young, energetic dogs — not an easy task. All the dogs had no problem showing they wanted to be cuddled, but, even though they tried, it was hard for most of them to tamp down their energy. However, the last dog we brought out was definitely on her very best behavior and did an excellent job of showing just how affectionate, cuddly and, most of all, calm she could be. It isn’t hard to believe that Cleo, our sweet girl from South Korea, chose this family as the one she wanted. Thankfully, they totally agreed!!!

The next couple already has two Greyhounds but they decided that they definitely had room for another. And, they wanted a shy dog because the dogs they currently have were shy when they got them and they have had the pleasure of watching those dogs blossom! We were excited to introduce them to one of our girls and in the short time that she spent with the people and their dogs, she seemed to let her hair down a little and we could see a glimpse of the dog she would become! We’re so happy for Chai!!!

The last couple saw quite a variety of dogs … younger, older, peppy, calm. They were specifically looking for a dog that would get along with their friends’ dogs and, even more importantly, they needed a dog that would not be completely fixated on their chickens!! Believe me, that is really a pretty tall order to fill!! Of course, there is no way to know how our dogs are going to do with chickens — about the best we can do is to recommend they get one of our trainers involved right away and cross our fingers (which we did)!!! After meeting the dogs, they deliberated for quite a while and ultimately decided that one of our cute puppies from Mexico, Ace, was the one for them!