Rainbow Bridge Memorial

Leona "Leona De Amor'"

"Leona De Amor'"
July 20, 1998 - July 10, 2006

Dearly missed by Curly (the cat), Steve, Jim, and Momma (Linda Gardner)

When Leona came to stay with us, I tried to shorten her name from Leona De Amor to Lea after Princess Lea, but she would not have it. She was to be my Princess Leona.

Leona was a three year old foster that we decided to keep and not send to Canada at the very last minute. We did not know that she was very sick. She gave unconditional love and was always making the family happy. LOVE was Leona’s job.

Leona had quite a few health problems and required surgeries. Now I know that she probably always had the cancer growing in the back of her neck. She would cry out in incredible pain when no one touched her and we did not understand why. The love she gave…made her my precious little girl. She was the one that was suppose to be there for me when Cabo, our older greyhound would go to the Rainbow Bridge, but God did not see it that way. He took Leona when she was seven and she had so much more life ahead of her.

After months of trying to win the battle over cancer and the horrible pain she was going through, we had to send her over the Rainbow Bridge. The charm she wore around her neck was to bring her luck and ward off evil spirits… and it failed her miserably. Leona De Amor was just what her name met. ‘Leona of Love,’ she was just that, Full Of Love to give anyone and a love for food that only she could understand. Leona loved her treats and about any food was her desire. It took quite awhile to break her habit of standing on the counters and a single jump could get her there. No food was safe in our house. She only opened the fridge once (that I know of) she ended up with a pound of butter and became very sick. I do not think she really knew the gold mine of food she found and that was lucky for us.

Our time with Leona was way to short. She is so deeply missed. Leona of Love, remember us because we remember you. Our lives will not be the same now that you are gone. You will be in our thoughts everyday. We are lucky to have many pictures and a beautiful drawing to remind us of the happy times we had together. I looked up in the sky the night Leona passed. There was a full moon and hundreds of stars…for her clear sailing over the rainbow bridge. With so many stars in the sky, one must be Leona’s so I named one ‘Leona’, that way when I look into the sky and see the bright and shining stars, I will always be remind of her love for us and our love for her. Leona you are so dearly missed!

Cabo, Curly (the cat), Steve, Jim, and Momma